优美的用英文怎么写( 二 )

Mom, thank you! ! I'll try my best!
With the blessing, thank sisters,
Susan, thank you for the gift
First, my blessing, thank you.
Xin, thank you for the comfort, the sisters!
Fruit, climbing, goose, Jane, although you don't remember, but also very thank! This is my friend!
Carry of gratitude, build on 18 train!
The beautiful continues, messy extension of 18 years, smile!
All my wishes will remember you, and give you the biggest smile!
4.优美的英文文章楼主把这篇拿去用吧,是我的原创,写得不是太难,高一能看得懂 。
We all know that environment is so important to ourselves and our future generations. Natural resources have been depleted in an unprecedented scale. The environment has been polluted in a way that never happened before. It is certain that the world and all the living organism on it are going straight to hell. But why those in power, no matter how loud they speak out environmental protection, very few of them really care. The reason is simple. Human beings are greedy in nature. In ancient times, technology is lacking, human beings did not have the right tool to exploit the nature on large scale. With industrial revolution and the development of science and technology, these things can be achieved with relative ease. It can be said that the development of science can be a gospel and a curse on human race at the same time. It is more than certain that the world is going straight to hell. Climate change comes at an unprecedented rate. We can see all the polar ice sheet melt in our own lifetime. Cities by the sea will be flooded. Summer will get unbearably hot. Almost all the natural resources will be depleted. It is not that world leaders are unaware of this , but because of their greed no one is able to put the interest of the general public and future generations over their own pride. Development sounds an untouchable truth. Anything that comes in its way will be neglected. One thing that we never ponder is that the space and resources on this planet is limited which means that the raw material and space for development is also limited. Now matter how great and intelligent human beings might be, we have our own weakness. The more intelligent a creature is, the more physically vulnerable it is. With the worsening of the living environment, one can rarely predict that how many of us will eventually survive this unprecedented change. It is time for us to think whether we should live in a more environmentally friendly manner so that our offsprings will also have space and resources to live with or we just pamper ourselves to the extreme and forget about our future generation and the human race at large.众所周知,环境对我们和我们的后代来说是多么重要 。自然资源以史无前例的规模被消耗 。
环境也是以从未有过的方式被污染 。非常明显,地球和所有的生物都在走向地狱 。
但是为什么那些有权的,不管表面上一提起环保说的是多么响亮,但实际上很少数是真正关心的 。原因很简单 。
人性是贪婪的 。古代,技术不发达,人类没有得心应手的工具来大规模的践踏大自然 。
有了工业革命和科技的发达,这些都变成了举手之劳 。可以这样说,科学的发达对人类来说又是福音又是诅咒 。
再明显不过了,世界在径直走向地狱 。气候变化的速度实在是史无前例 。
我们可以看见两极的冰层在我们的有生之年全部融化 。海滨城市将被淹没 。
夏季会变得炎热难当 。几乎所有的自然资源将被消耗殆尽 。
世界各国的领袖对这一点并不是一无所知 。但是因为贪欲,所以没有人能把人民大众和未来人类的利益放在自己的脸面前面 。
发展听起来是一条不能碰的真理 。所有挡它路的都会被扫清 。
有一点我们不曾考虑,那就是这个星球上的空间和资源是有限的,它意味着发展所需的原材料和空间也是有限的 。无论人类是多么的伟大和聪明,我们也有我们的弱点 。