事实上,他的「济贫」行为便是他的权力来源:若只是「劫富」,并不会带来人民的拥戴而顶多是容忍 。但因为他将财富分配给需要者故受到拥戴 。
以罗宾汉为主角的剧本形式大致确定:一出戏通常分为五幕,罗宾的角色带有「令类当权者」的形象,劫富济贫,位於森林中与城镇上的贵族作对 。Example3:这是一篇早期的剧本 。
一名贵族与骑士决定要抓到罗宾汉,罗宾汉与骑士进行决斗,而贵族用计谋抓到了罗宾汉的手下小约翰与Scarlet 。罗宾汉击败了骑士之后,冒充为骑士将部下救出 。
分析:豪侠除了为社会大众打击权贵外,自己本身亦是注重信义以及交情的 。因为豪侠在游走法律边缘时,和自己的夥伴患难与共,所以培养出了古代豪侠独特的患难情谊 。
也因为如此,比起一切注重金钱及权势的贵族,他们愿意挺身站出来帮助手无寸铁的人民,人民亦以诚信相待,当大家同仇敌忾时,豪侠便会以行动对抗贵族 。Example4: 17,18世纪的剧本中罗宾汉有一定的典型:罗宾与部下们在森林中的生活为乌托邦式的田园生活,而他们总是能够击败邪恶腐败的当权者 。
这应该是我们最熟悉的典型罗宾汉故事了,同时也为现代罗宾汉影片的基础:罗宾汉带领著他的手下们对抗「当地」的当权者,劫富济贫,但同时对英国国王绝对的效忠 。罗宾的手下会被敌人所擒,但罗宾总能在行刑前将他们救出,击败敌人 。
对於没有做坏事欺压百姓的王室,罗宾汉不但不会处处为难他们,还表达了忠心并且效忠国王,可见他们自己本身的正义并非只是单纯的反社会行动而已,否则也不会得到一般民众的支持以及拥护了 。(4)这个阶段的罗宾汉出现在一些较为非正式的剧本与诗中,常代表著Saxon人对抗压迫性的Norman地主 。
带有强烈的民族主义的罗宾对英国皇室总绝对效忠 。这个时期广为流传於儿童书刊、节庆表演、通俗小说中 。
(5)现代罗宾汉故事主要以电影的形式出现,虽然基本故事架构还是维持不变,各个不同的版本之间皆有差异:不 。
3.谁知道关于写罗宾汉的英文诗,请写下诗名及内容,英文的Piece of song get down ,get down, little Henry Lee And stay night with me You won't find a girl in this down world That will compare with me. (And the wind did hol and the wind did blow La la la la la la La la lal la la la A little bird lit down an Henry Lee And stay all night with thee For the girl I have in that merry green land I love for better than thee She leaned herself against a fence Just for a kiss or two And with a little pen-knife through And the wind di roar and the wind di moan Come take himby his hily-white hands Come take hime by his feet。lie there ;t find a girl in this down world
That will compare with me.
(And the wind did hol and the wind did blow
La la la la la la
La la lal la la la
A little bird lit down an Henry Lee
And stay all night with thee
For the girl I have in that merry green land
I love for better than thee
She leaned herself against a fence
Just for a kiss or two
And with a little pen-knife through
And the wind di roar and the wind di moan
Come take himby his hily-white hands
Come take hime by his feet
And throw him in this deep deep well
Which is more than one hundred feet
Lie there, little Henry Lee
And stay night with me
You won',get downPiece of song
get down
4.用6至7句英文写侠盗罗宾汉的简介,不要太难Robin Hood is a well known figure that robs the rich and helps the poor. But nobody really knows where he lives. Of course, it should be somewhere in the woods and that's also the reason why people kind of regard the woods a bit mysterious as it contains so many surprising things. I don't know whether Robin Hood is a real man in reality or just a fictitious character. But the spirit of Robin Hood should never die. Because it offers hope and warmth, especially for those in need. 。