主人公马良是个勤劳、刻苦、有志气的孩子 。他从小失去父母,家境贫寒,靠自己打柴、割草为生 。但是,他并有因生活贫苦而气馁,一心想学画画的本领 。他每天用心苦练,在沙地上学着描飞鸟,在岩石上学着描游鱼 。晚上,拿了一块木炭,在窑洞的墙壁上,复习白天画过的copy画 。后来,他终于得到了一支神笔 。他用这支神笔画鸟,鸟就在天上飞;画鱼,鱼就在水中游 。这事被贪心的财主知道了,要马良给他画大元宝 。马良不肯,就被关入马厩中 。马良画了一架梯子,逃跑了;又画了一匹大骏zhidao马骑上它,财主追不上 。皇帝要马良画画,马良不愿意 。皇帝就把他打入大牢 。马良画了座小岛,岛上画了株金光闪闪的摇钱树,又画了一条大木船,当皇帝和大臣、将军……坐船去取钱时,大风大浪把他们全都吞没了 。从此,马良用自己的本领自由自在地为穷苦的乡亲们画画,画出他们所需要的东西:犁耙、耕牛、水车、石磨……
7.求一篇70次左右的英语短文,介绍《神笔马良》的故事Long long ago, there was a boy named Ma Liang, he came from a poor family, but he is very industrious, he likes to draw, but the village teacher looked down on Ma Liang, think he didn't have the money, Ma Liang very sad, he is dreaming of painting, one day, he dreamed that awhite beard Grandpa, grandfather gave him a pen, said to draw what can become really, after wake up, Ma Liang saw the head miracle appears the pen, he finally to paint, but he often use this magic to help the poor. One day, a bad man know Ma Liang, there is such a magic paintbrush, he managed to take the magic, but the magic is not magic in his hand, but letpeople resent. So he called Ma Liang for his painting. Ma Liangzheng worries about the pen out how, suddenly got an idea, he killed the bad guys, with one stroke under the things leadershailed, since then, when no one is playing this pen idea, Ma Liang began to practice of painting, he eventually became an artist 。
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