诈骗英语怎么写( 二 )

[例句]Students may be tempted to cheat in order to get into top schools.
为了能进入一流学校 , 学生们会忍不住想作弊 。
[其他] 第三人称单数:cheats 复数:cheats 现在分词:cheating过去式:cheated 过去分词:cheated
5.讲述遭遇诈骗英语作文y are told not to cheat. Every student can list tile evils of cheating, but a few are still caught cheating during examinations. Those who do not grasp what they should learn and do trust to luck are. likely to cheat. They do not study hard during the semester. Most of their time is slept or idled away. When they realize the exams are approaching, it is too late to memorize the knowledge of the whole term. So it seems that in order to pass they have no choice but to peep at other's paper or at the book or even to find a substitute to take the exam. Besides, the way of tests of some subjects has made cheating more easily. For example, for some examination papers, all the answer can be found directly from textbooks or notes. Therefore it is easy for some to get high marks by cheating even though the students may know nothing about the s 。

