把爱传递出去怎么写( 五 )

白天的劳累,再加上晚上的辛苦,不知不觉她的身体也不好了……有一天,妈妈病了,那天我记得大概是在8点左右完成了作业 。心中真是又着急,又难过 。
“妈妈一定很难过吧”我学着妈妈照顾婆婆的样子,让妈妈躺在沙发上,之后又用被子让她盖着,然后下了厨房,不知道煮出来的东西是否好吃……让妈妈坐起来吃东西时,妈妈的眼眶红了,我从来没有见过妈妈流泪,也从未见到过那么坚强的妈妈会在我面前流泪,我明白妈妈的意思,妈妈像这样是因为我把爱传递了下去,我第一次有这样的感觉,悟到了这点,我想,这也许就是爱的最高境界……爱,让我懂了许多,作为一个14岁的中学生,是否想到我们在平日里应多为父母,家人,朋友着想,为他们做些事情呢?爱,永远伴随着我成长 。她是人类精神上的支柱;她是人类心灵上的抚慰品;她更是我们成长过程上不可缺少的一部分 。
同时我们也要把爱继续传递下去,用更多的爱去关怀他人,去融化他人的心灵,这一切都因为“爱,可以让世界转动;可以让冰川融化;可以使草儿长得更茂盛,花儿开的更鲜艳!” 。
7.急求Love is everywhere, a man who knows how to love others, life will be surrounded by love. . Love the way diversity, that is about to see how we go. Spring-like be loved, love the people like summer, love, let us together to gather together to pass love! Love is in the surrounding. On one occasion, I go home by bus, the car has a lot of people, very crowded, but I grabbed a seat (my in the mind secretly happy with). I took out my MP3 player, listen to music, as if everything around is nothing to do with me. Suddenly, a nasty brake, the car violently shaking, make I hit my head on back a car, which makes, I notice that I stood next to a woman, her child in her arms the brakes just now made her almost slip, my heart have one thought: put the seat to the woman. However, the bus is so crowded, stand is not sick? Suddenly a nasty brake, the aunt to save her child in her arms on me. I resolutely decided to take MP3, stood up and said to the aunt: "auntie, you come to me sit down." Thanks aunt happy, overflow the happy expression on his face. Standing but for me, although very uncomfortable, pull the armrest, hand very soft, but my in the mind have a kind of say a happy, long time no to pacify. Love is near. One day early in the morning, because I want to be clean, so I went to school very early and mother daddy also in warm bed? After I said goodbye to them, and went away. When I came to school, suddenly found forgotten my key card, thinking about how so my memory is poor, I turned around; See a familiar figure, a carefully look, turned out to be a dad. He came in front of me said, "remembering you, quick go in." And turn around, travel-stained ran home. At this moment I couldn't help but nose acid, because dad is wearing pajamas, braved the cold wind send me to. Love is a little thing, with your careful observation, will feel great. Let's collect love, let us love, let the world everywhere full of love. 。
8.传递爱心作文怎么写生活中处处需要爱,爱,无处不在 。
它也许是沙漠里的一泓清泉;是枯树的一片新绿;是生病时的一声问候;是夜空中一颗颗闪耀点缀的星星……当然,爱心需要传递,但传递的不只是一种形式,更是一种过程的享受 。我听说过这样一个故事:一位心地善良的小女孩,常常帮助别人,但当人们问她:“我该怎么感谢你才好呢?”,她总是笑着说:“把爱心传递下去,当你帮助其他人时,也告诉他们同样的话,让大家把爱心传递下去,这世界就充满爱了!”,这个小女孩是多么纯真,多么善良啊! 如今,父母也常教导我要关爱他人 。
记得那天,我看见妈妈满头大汗地忙着把我不能穿下的衣服一件一件地整理下来,我百思不得其解地问:“妈妈,这些衣服我穿不下了,是不是该扔掉了?”,妈妈板着严肃的面孔说:“孩子,这些衣服,我准备把它送给山区的孩子 。”“咳,这些衣服有谁会要啊!”我若无其事地说,“你这孩子,平时就不懂得节约!要知道,山区的孩子要是能穿上我们这样的衣服,都不知道有多珍惜!去把你不要的书整理一下!等会带到三联书店,就可以寄给山区的孩子们了 。”