
【Bad|紫金陈:从“出圈”到“出海”都靠好故事】2020年 , 两部悬疑剧作在网剧平台接连“霸屏” 。
两部网剧不仅在国内获得好评 , 更成功出海多个国家和地区 , 掀起海外观众的追剧热潮 。 近日 , 《沉默的真相》于一众网飞剧中突出重围 , 在釜山国际电影节亚洲内容大奖中获得最佳流媒体原创剧集 。
Chinese web series "The Bad Kids" has been listed among the top 15 best international series by U.S.-based entertainment magazine Variety, which spoke highly of its storytelling, cinematography, performances and dark soundtrack.
Adapted from the novel of the same name by Chinese suspense writer Zijinchen, the drama has been rated 8.9 out of 10 by more than 835,000 people on film and TV review website Douban.
The production has been distributed to several overseas countries and regions so far, including Japan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam. In October, "The Long Night" beat various favorites to win Best OTT Original at the 2021 Asian Contents Awards (ACA).
事实上 , 有不少读者喜欢称其为“人间清醒” 。 毕业后的十年间 , 紫金陈像许多摸索着石头过河的年轻人一样 , 探索过无数可能 。 从事文学创作以来 , 他始终定位明确 , 从不掩饰将写作视为谋生工具 , 更坦陈自己把产出等同于商店贩卖的商品 。 也因此 , 比起文学性 , 紫金陈更强调作品的故事性 , 以保证其IP商业价值的最大化 。
With two suspense shows going viral, so did the writer Zijinchen, pseudonym of Chen Xu. Sales of his novels exploded. His works began to appear on the recommended lists of book stores. Before that, he had been writing in the world of web novels for more than 10 years but had never been noticed.
With increasing attention that came in a short time, more questions were raised at the same time. Zijinchen was not formally trained as a professional writer. After many attempts, he finally chose to become a mystery novelist. His academic background kept his writing rational, so that he would rather consider business value when creating a new story outline than its literariness.
Zijinchen had kept his distance from readers and refused to be defined by them. Even in his current status, Zijinchen insisted on his original aspiration as a writer and kept writing new stories.