According to Leung, she struggled with thecontradictory reality of acquiring her dream role while also confronting adeeply negative online response, explaining, "Of course, I was grateful. Iwas really very f**king grateful that I was in the position I was in…I keepsaying, like, oh I wish I'd maybe said something. But you can't do that."Leung also added that even a hate site was created for users to click a buttonshowing that they disagreed with the casting.
When it comes to confronting racism withinthe entertainment industry, Hollywood all too often turns a blind eye,essentially abandoning those who have the most to lose, particularly in termsof project opportunities. While Leung survived the ordeal, and remains proud ofherself for maintaining a calm demeanor while a part of the Harry Potteroeuvre, it is inexcusable that production heads failed to offer any form ofconcrete support or openly condemn the rising swell of racist comments.Considering J.K. Rowling's hateful anti-trans comments online, the shiny legacyof Harry Potter has certainly lost much of its sheen, instead revealing anunderbelly of bias and discrimination that should continue to be acknowledged,rather than hidden away.
当涉及到在娱乐行业内面对种族歧视时 , 好莱坞总是睁一只眼闭一只眼 , 基本上放弃了那些最有可能受到伤害的人 , 尤其是在项目机会方面 。 虽然梁凯蒂挺过了这场磨难 , 并为自己作为《哈利·波特》全部作品的一部分能够保持冷静而感到自豪 , 但不可原谅的是 , 制作负责人没有提供任何形式的具体支持 , 也没有公开谴责日益高涨的种族主义言论 。 考虑到J.K.罗琳在网上发表的充满仇恨的反变性评论 , 《哈利·波特》的光辉遗产显然已经失去了很多光彩 , 相反 , 它暴露出了一个应该继续被承认、而不是隐藏起来的偏见和歧视的阴暗面 。
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