海洋|艺博推荐 | 广州艺博会李蓝迪精品预览

海洋|艺博推荐 | 广州艺博会李蓝迪精品预览

海洋|艺博推荐 | 广州艺博会李蓝迪精品预览

第26届秋季广州国际艺术博览会(简称:第26届广州艺博会)将于12月17日至12月20日在南丰国际会展中心举行 , 展览面积将近2万平方米 。 将以“聚焦全球视野·解析购藏趋势·重构艺术市场·引领生活美学”为思想主导 , 划分为“视野·国际馆”、“蜕变·当代馆”、“荟萃·艺廊馆”、“投资· 收藏馆”四大主题展馆 。 同时将举办“天地大美”——中国国家画院院长卢禹舜中国画学术展、“天涯若比邻”——杨元惺摄影艺术大展等多个主题展 , 及国际艺术大奖、艺博会美学沙龙等多场重磅活动 。
海洋|艺博推荐 | 广州艺博会李蓝迪精品预览

About the artist
海洋|艺博推荐 | 广州艺博会李蓝迪精品预览

李蓝迪 , 加拿大籍华人雕塑艺术家 , 自幼从师名家作画学艺 , 并有幸结识世界级雕刻大师David Wong(王宏)成为其关门弟子 。 其作品以北美风格为基调 , 注重雕塑线条的柔中带刚 , 雕塑形体的主观概括 , 结合对中华传统艺术中雕塑线条和形体的理解 , 创作出一件件神形兼备、刚柔相济的作品 。 其作品深受各界人士认同与赞赏 , 被世界名流及加拿大国家博物院收藏 , 不少作品多次被加拿大政府选为国礼赠送各国到访元首和政要 。
Li is a Chinese-Canadian sculpture artist who has studied many art forms since childhood and has had the pleasure of studying under Canadian Master Sculptor.David Wong. Li's sculpting style incorporates elements of the North American style of smooth lines and shapes and pays homage to traditional Chinese sculpture art. These two cultures combined allow him to capture the spirit, power and beauty of various wildlife in his art. Li's works have been recognized internationally, with some of his pieces displayed in museums and galleries, including the National Gallery of Canada. Many works have also been selected by the Canadian government as national gifts to other countries.