Pinkett|一周热闻|奥斯卡颁奖礼出现意外、美俄宇航员同返地球、布鲁斯·威利斯宣布息影……( 三 )

③ atrocity: [%u259%u2C8tr%u252s%u259ti] n. a cruel and violent act, especially in a war (尤指战争中的)残暴行为
④ rallying cry: [%u2C8r%uE6li%u26A%u14B kra%u26A] n. a phrase or an idea that is used to encourage people to support somebody/something (团结众人的)战斗口号 , 信念

Joe Biden signs the Emmett Till Antilynching Act in the Rose Garden of the White House on Tuesday
(Credit: Xinhua / REX / Shutterstock)
US astronaut returns to Earth in Russian capsule after record-breaking mission
美宇航员结束创纪录任务 , 乘坐俄飞船返回地球
NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei caught a Russian ride back to Earth on Wednesday after a US record 355 days at the International Space Station, returning with two cosmonauts①, the Russian Space Agency’s Anton Shkaplerov and Pyotr Dubrov. They landed in a Soyuz capsule in Kazakhstan. Despite escalating tensions between the US and Russia over the war in Ukraine, Vande Hei’s return followed customary procedures. It was the first taste of gravity for Vande Hei and Dubrov since their Soyuz launch on 9 April last year. Shkaplerov joined them at the orbiting②lab in October, escorting③ a Russian film crew up for a brief stay. To accommodate that visit, Vande Hei and Dubrov doubled the length of their stay. Before departing the space station, Shkaplerov embraced his fellow astronauts as “ my space brothers and space sister④”. ( The Guardian)
3月30日 , 美国国家航空航天局宇航员马克·范德·海乘坐俄罗斯飞船 , 与两名俄罗斯宇航员安东·什卡普列罗夫、彼得·杜布罗夫一同返回了地球;此前, 马克·范德·海已在国际空间站驻站工作355天 , 创美国新纪录 。 三人一起乘坐“联盟”飞船在哈萨克斯坦着陆 。 尽管乌克兰战争导致美俄紧张局势升级 , 但范德·海的返航仍遵循了常规程序 。 这是自2021年4月9日“联盟”飞船发射以来 , 范德·海和杜布罗夫第一次尝到重力的滋味 。 什卡普列罗夫则于2021年10月加入他们 , 他是护送一个俄罗斯电影摄制组进入空间站作短暂停留 。 为配合此次访问 , 范德·海和杜布罗夫将自己的驻站时间延长了一倍 。 离开空间站之前 , 什卡普列罗夫拥抱了留驻的宇航员同事 , 称他们为“我在太空中的兄弟姐妹” 。
① cosmonaut: [%u2C8k%u252zm%u259n%u254%u2D0t] astronaut from the former Soviet Union (苏联的)宇航员 , 航天员
② orbit: [%u2C8%u254?%u26At] v. to move in a curved path around a much larger object, especially a planet, star, etc. 沿轨道运行;围绕……运动
③ escort: [%u26A%u2C8sk%u254%u2D0t] v. to go with somebody to protect or guard them or to show them the way 护卫;护送
④ my space brothers and space sister:指仍在国际空间站的宇航员拉贾?查里、托马斯?马什本、马蒂亚斯?毛雷尔与凯拉?巴伦 。

(Credit: Bill Ingalls / NASA / Getty Images)
Bruce Willis to retire from acting due to aphasia①diagnosis
Bruce Willis, the star of the “Die Hard” franchise②and dozens of other action movies, will retire from acting after being diagnosed with aphasia, a disease that has hampered his “cognitive abilities,” his family said on Wednesday. Willis, 67, rose to fame in the 1980s comedy-drama TV series “Moonlighting,” and has appeared in about 100 films across his four-decade career, garnering③acclaim for his roles in “Pulp Fiction” and “The Sixth Sense,” and winning a Golden Globe Award and two Emmys. But Willis is perhaps best known for playing the tough-as-nails④New York cop who pursued bad guys in the five “Die Hard” movies, released from 1988 to 2013. Aphasia is a disorder most commonly caused by a stroke⑤that can also stem from head trauma or, in rare cases, from neurological disease, said Brenda Rapp, a professor of cognitive science at Johns Hopkins University. Symptoms vary widely and can affect speech, comprehension and reading ability. In some instances, aphasia can be treated with speech therapy. (Reuters)