An exhibition titled "The Library Meets The Prado: Kings, Painters and Their Paintings" has opened to the public in Guangzhou.
近日 , 《图书馆遇见普拉多——国王、画家和他们的画》展览在广州图书馆面向公众开放 。
The exhibition displays many of the world's most representative replicas of famous works, reproducing the resplendence of western painting art from the Renaissance to the end of the 19th century for Guangzhou citizens.
此次展览展出了诸多世界上最具代表性的名作复制品 , 为广州市民再现文艺复兴时期到19世纪末西方绘画艺术的璀璨 。
The paintings in this exhibition are all reproduced to real size, and the texture of the original is highly reproduced through detailed reproductions of the colors and tiny expressions of the figures.
本次展览所展出的画作全部按照真实尺寸复制 , 高度再现了原作质感 , 通过对油画色彩和人物微小表情的精细复刻 , 将这些创作时间跨越多个世纪的经典之作完美呈现于公众眼前 。
Come and take a look!
来源 | 羊城晚报?羊城派
【|【中英双语】29幅世界名画复制品高度再现原作质感】责编 | 吴安琦
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