The birthplace of Bing Dwen Dwen, the top-notch mascotte of the Beijing Winter Olympics, can be seen in studio 705 of the Design Building of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.
走进在广州美术学院设计楼705工作室 , 就能看到北京冬奥会顶流“冰墩墩”的诞生地 。
Liu Pingyun, chief executive of the design team, has a small studio space, but an entire wall is plastered with Bing Dwen Dwen sketches.
设计团队总执行刘平云的工作室空间虽不大 , 但一整面墙上贴满了“冰墩墩”草图 。
It took 10 months from the initial design conception to the final effect confirmation. Through the clever combination of multiple modern elements, a unique modern panda is presented to the world.
从最初的设计构思到最终的效果确认 , 历时10个月 , 经过多元现代元素的巧妙结合 , 一个有别于以前各类设计、独一无二的现代版熊猫呈现在世人面前 。
来源 | 羊城晚报?羊城派
责编 | 陈婉允
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