唯美的英文句子很多啦 。在这里分享几句我的最爱 。
如果你遇到不开心的事或人 , 如果当你丧事都是的时候,可以记?。簑hat doesn't kill you will only make you stronger;还有rejection builds character .
如果你在学校或职场默默打拼,可以重温一下前总统林肯当年说过的那句话:“ I will prepare myself and my chance will come”. 这句话尤其对在底层打拼的年轻人有帮助 , 至少对当年的我而言是这样 。
但有时候我们每个人都很固执和偏执,觉得自己是对的,这个时候要想想爱因斯坦的那句话:what got us into trouble is not what we don’t know; it is what we know for sure that just ain’t so. 看到“一根筋”的代价之后,我们或许更应该欣赏那句古训:兼听则明 , 偏听则暗 。做人就怕刚愎自用,you can never be too sure. 换句话说,never say never. 永远要有一个open mind来看待身边的人和事 。
其实说到变得更聪明和积攒人生智慧,《伟大的盖茨比》给了我们很好的启发:the test of a first rate of intelligence is to have two opposed ideas in mind yet still be able to function. 不同观点的冲撞才会产生火花,别人的批评可以使自己的观点更全面更客观 。尤其在国际化的时代,中西交融,两种语言、思维和文化,如何做到兼容并蓄“have two opposed ideas”谈何容易 。
还有太多了 。很多西方政客的演讲里也有不错的名句,只不过政治很多是作秀,只是嘴上说说而已,在西方好口才是竞选成功的必要条件 。比如里根曾说“people say I am a great communicator. I was not a great communicator but I communicated great things. It’s not the word I use that made a difference it’s the content” 。其实这对学英语的人来说尤其值得借鉴:学英语也好、说话也好,第一要务是言之有物 。然后才是语音语调、形式、表达 。
【简单美好的英文句子适合发朋友圈 一些优美的英文句子】
英语里的那些台词译为中文,依然美到心碎 。
暮光之城 The Twilight Saga

That's what you dream about? Being a monster? 那就是你所梦想的吗?成为怪物?I dream about being with you forever.我梦想的是永远的跟你在一起 。Bella, you are my life now. 贝拉 , 现在你就是我的生命 。I just couldn’t live in a world where you don’t exist.没有你的世界,我活着也没有意义 。You don't know how long I've waited for you. I'd rather die than stay away from you 。你不知道,等了你有多久 。所以 , 宁可死别 , 绝不生离 。Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in 100 years.离开你是我在这一百年中所做过的最艰难的事 。I've never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go.我从没想过会怎样死去 , 但是为了爱的人而死 , 无疑是幸福的 。Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me?跟我相伴长长的幸福的一生 , 难道这还不够吗?
时间旅行者的妻子 The Time Traveler's Wife

I love you. More than anything.我爱你,胜过一切 。I think you're allowed to marry the same person as many times as you want.我想只要你愿意,和同一个人结多少次婚都行 。
我的少女时代 Our Times

Time flies, yet there is always a song engraving in your mind; and in the crowd, there is always someone waiting right there for you to turn round.世界太快,总有一首歌,你忘不掉;人海茫茫,总有一个人,守候在角落,等你回首 。Youth always starts to glitter for someone.青春总会因为一个人开始闪闪发亮!Or, we always keep watching the back of someone but forget the one with whom we feel comfortable and relaxed, and who strikes us the most.或许一直以来都是远远望着谁的背影,却忘了身旁让自己最自在相处的那个人,最让人动心 。I wish to be part of your wish.我的愿望,就是希望你的愿望里,也有我 。Thanks for your company in the years of my youth.谢谢你出现在我的青春里 。
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