1.理字词字没写完打一成语理屈词穷 。理字没写完,词字少笔画 。下面复制成语词典
字号:大 中 小
拼音 lǐ qū cí qióng
简拼 lqcq
近义词 张口结舌、无言以对、哑口无言
反义词 义正言辞、理直气壮、振振有词
感情色彩 贬义词
成语结构 联合式
成语解释 屈:短,亏;穷:尽 。由于理亏而无话可说 。
成语出处 先秦·孔子《论语·先进》:“是故恶夫佞者”宋·朱熹集注:“子路之言,非其本意,但理屈词穷,而取辩于口以御人耳 。”
成语用法 联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义
例子 并不等候答复,而正如一般忽然陷于理屈词穷的专横者一样,他立刻把最后一张牌摆出来了 。(沙汀《呼嚎》)
英文翻译 unable to find a word to justify oneself
谜语 被告认输
成语正音 屈,不能读作“qǔ” 。
成语辩形 理,不能写作“礼”;屈,不能写作“曲” 。
成语辩析 理屈词穷和“哑口无言”都表示没有理由而说不出话来 。但理屈词穷是通过辩驳而词穷的;而“哑口无言”可能是无理由而不分辩;也可能是有理由而不分辩 。
产生年代 古代
常用程度 常用
[词典] attend to sb. halfheartedly; look cold and indifferent; ignore; leave sb. in the cold; be standoffish; love reason disregard
Always also say to dislike to still like not and up to english, so lovereason disregard to english, then plus oneself also nothing ambition!
First, translates the matter difficultly three: The letter, reaches,is elegant. As desired letter, already disaster. Attends to theletter, does not reach, although translates still does not translatealso, then reached still 焉 。。The translation takes Ming Shenyi,when between words and phrases has the inversion adjunction, not斤斤 Yu Zibi sentence order, but the significance does not carrythis article.
Second 。。This in the translator the full text god principle,melts can to the heart, then starts writing to express the word, fromfriendly mutually prepares. To original phraseology principle thisdepth, difficulty with altogether explains, after then current directsthe lining, reveals its Italy. Several this management, all thoughtreaches. In order to reach, namely therefore for letter.
Third, "Is easy" to say that, "The rhetoric sets up it to become."Sub- said that, "The refined language reaches is over." Also saidthat, "The word does not have the article, the line is not far." Threeis the article 正轨,that is for translates the matter model.Outside therefore the letter reaches, as desired is elegant.
4.崔素雅翻译英语名字怎么说呢1)按英语习惯,【崔素雅】可以近谐音使用【Sawyer Cui】 。
2)因日益广泛的汉语影响,名字英译可使用汉语拼音 。
【崔素雅】可写为【Cui Suya】 。
I)放在前面的姓氏第一个字母要大写,如果是复姓,合在一起,也是第一个字母大写 。
II)名字若是两个字,要合在一起写,第一个字母大写 。
III)英语不能标注声调 。
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