1.留恋 用英语怎么说留恋
1. recall with nostalgia
2. be reluctant to leave (a place); can't bear to part
1 It is best that we do not have to come back anymore because no matter how deeply attached we are, after a while we still have to leave.
我们在这个世界上留恋什么地方 , 都不是究竟的 , 最好就是我们不要再回来 。
2 The cold pressure of a new sadness on Romola's heart made her linger the more in the silent soothing sense of nearness and love.
罗摩拉心里由于这种新的悲伤而产生的冰冷压力 , 使她格外留恋这样相互接近互相爱恋的默默的抚慰之感 。
3 Once again,as he has often done during his final days in office, the president defended his record and was nostalgic.
和他在总统任期最后这些日子里经常做的一样 , 布什再次为自己的记录辩护 , 并表现出对白宫岁月的留恋 。
4 I drink farewell wine dispiritedly in the tent outside the capital gate,where I am reluctantto leave, But the orchid boat urges me togo.
都门帐饮无绪 , 方留恋处 , 兰舟催发 。
5 He looked back on his university days with a certain amount of nostalgia.
他有些留恋地回忆起大学时光 。
2.留恋 用英语怎么说留恋1. recall with nostalgia2. be reluctant to leave (a place); can't bear to part例句: It is best that we do not have to come back anymore because no matter how deeply attached we are, after a while we still have to leave.我们在这个世界上留恋什么地方 , 都不是究竟的 , 最好就是我们不要再回来 。
2 The cold pressure of a new sadness on Romola's heart made her linger the more in the silent soothing sense of nearness and love.罗摩拉心里由于这种新的悲伤而产生的冰冷压力 , 使她格外留恋这样相互接近互相爱恋的默默的抚慰之感 。3 Once again,as he has often done during his final days in office, the president defended his record and was nostalgic.和他在总统任期最后这些日子里经常做的一样 , 布什再次为自己的记录辩护 , 并表现出对白宫岁月的留恋 。
4 I drink farewell wine dispiritedly in the tent outside the capital gate,where I am reluctantto leave, But the orchid boat urges me togo.都门帐饮无绪 , 方留恋处 , 兰舟催发 。5 He looked back on his university days with a certain amount of nostalgia.他有些留恋地回忆起大学时光 。

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