
1.进来的英文怎么写进来的英文:enter;(到里面来) come in;(用在动词后 ,  表示向里) in
enter 读法 英 ['ent?] 美 ['?nt?]
2、作不及物动词的意思是:参加 , 登场;进去
3、作名词的意思是: [计] 输入;回车
1、enter upon 开始;着手
2、enter into a contract 订立契约
3、enter the contest 加入竞赛;参加比赛
4、enter up 登记;记录 , 记下
5、enter by 通过…进入
enter, enter into二者都有“进入”的意思 。其区别是:
1、表示进入某具体的场所、建筑物、机构时用enter; 表示开始进入、开始从事…或仔细研究等抽象的意义时用enter into 。但在特别强调深入某具体场所或某物时 , 有时也用enter into 。
2、enter表示一个进入完成的动作; enter into表示“进入…”的意图 。例如:
(1)We entered into a woody mountain.我们进入一片山林里 。
(2)The arrow entered into the flesh.箭深深地射进肉里 。
(3)It entered into the body.它进入了体内 。
(4)Let's not enter into details at this stage.咱们不要在现阶段着手处理具体问题 。
1、enter的基本意思是从外边到里边 , 以人作主语时指“走进”“进入” , 以物作主语时指取路通过某物 , 特指过密的、有阻力的物质 。
2、enter可用作不及物动词 , 也可用作及物动词 。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语 , 也可接以“(as+) n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语 。
3、enter可用作系动词 , 接形容词作表语 。
4、enter后接介词for可表示“参加”; 接in可表示“收入”“记入”“使入学”; 接into可示“参与某活动”“进入某种状态”; 接on可表示“进入某时期、年代”“着手处理”“开始考虑”; 接up则表示“记下” 。
2.英文好的请进来帮我写篇英文文章In a discussion at the meeting, a famous speaker did not say this in his opening remarks, but the hands held high with 20 U.S. dollars a note. In the face of the 200 individuals in the conference room, he asked: "Who needs this 20 U.S. dollars?" Give a hand up. He added: "I am going to give you 20 U.S. dollars in one, but before that, please permit me to do one thing." He said money will be rubbing together, and then asked: "Who would also like to. "There are still people raised their hands.
He added: "Well, if I do and what will happen?" He threw the money on the ground, and set foot on one foot, and grind it with their feet. He then picked up the money, money has become dirty wrinkle. "Now who would also like to?" Some people still hold hands.
"My friends, you have been very meaningful lesson of the course. No matter how we deal with that banknote, you still want it because it did not devaluation. It is still worth 20 U.S. dollars. Life on the road, we will be many times its own The decision or face down adversity, bullying and even grind to pieces. We seem to feel that they are worthless. But no matter what happens, or what happens to be in God's eyes, you will never lose value. In his view , Dirty or clean, neat or not neat clothes, you still will be invaluable. The value of life do not rely on what we did not look to make our people but on our own! You are unique - forever Do not forget that! "Welcome message
3.会英文的请进来Life in Today's World
As we all know, life in today's world becomes more and more beautiful.However,we never forget one thing that there still exists homeless peopie , child laborers and cruel wars.So we can get a conclusion,
every coin has two sides.However prosperous the world will be,the negative side is always here.