
1.打小算盘英语怎么说公司要破产,现在是走是留,每个人心里都有个小算盘 。
E.g:The company is bankrupting. To leave or to stay now, each one has a plan.
【珠算的英语怎么写】最终睁开眼睛时,你可能会大为震惊,没想到为了满足个人的小算盘,自己竟会这样模糊地看世界 。
When you finally open your eyes, you may be shocked at the obscured way you have been viewing the world to suit your own little plans.
朋友没有看出我的小算盘,只顾听了我的话,在书橱里挑三拣四地翻出几本书来,竟都是我喜欢的 。但泼出去的水是收不回来了 。
My friend took me at my word and began choosing books to his liking.Unfortunately his pink happened to be my favorites.But I couldn't go back on my words.

