
1.幸福美满英文怎么说"Happy and happy"
I'll make this marriage work if it kills me. 再难我也要努力使这桩婚姻幸福美满 。
Theirs had been a happy and satisfactory marriage. 他们的婚姻曾经一直幸福美满 。
I will have a happy family with two lovely children. 我有一个幸福美满的家庭和可爱的两个孩子 。
I would like to have a happy family, there's love my wife, obedient children. 我也想有个幸福美满的家庭 , 有个爱我的老婆 , 听话的孩子 。
And I was brought up in such family full of happiness and harmony. 而我 , 就茁壮成长在这样一个充满着幸福美满和睦温馨的家庭 。
2.生活美满的英语怎么写A blissful life (名词短语)
Living a blissful life (形容词短语)
We all dream of a blissful life, but the reality is often very different
我们都梦想着一个美满的生活 , 但现实往往是非常不同的
John has a well-paying job and a happy family. He's living a blissful life.
【美满的英语单词怎么写】约翰有份高薪的工作和一个幸福的家庭 。他过着美满的生活 。
3.幸福美满英文怎么说"Happy and happy" 例句: I'll make this marriage work if it kills me. 再难我也要努力使这桩婚姻幸福美满 。
Theirs had been a happy and satisfactory marriage. 他们的婚姻曾经一直幸福美满 。I will have a happy family with two lovely children. 我有一个幸福美满的家庭和可爱的两个孩子 。
I would like to have a happy family, there's love my wife, obedient children. 我也想有个幸福美满的家庭 , 有个爱我的老婆 , 听话的孩子 。And I was brought up in such family full of happiness and harmony. 而我 , 就茁壮成长在这样一个充满着幸福美满和睦温馨的家庭 。

