1.怎样用英语表达数字20177925您好,假如 20177925 是普通数字,那么在英语中每3位数(从右往左数)添加一个逗号,方便于区别单位,所以 20177925 就变成了 20,177,925 。英语中每一个逗号都有一个相对应的英语数字单位单词 。第一个是 thousand(千),第二个是 million(百万),第三个是 billion(十亿) 。英语到第10个逗号都有数字单位单词 。所以:
【925的英语怎么写】20,177,925 = twenty billion one hundred seventy-seven million (and) nine hundred and twenty-five
2.cartier925卡地亚后面写的是Cartier Paris 925 ARGENT卡地亚手表cartier Paris 925 ARGE 。
你好,看到你回答的关于这款卡地亚的问题(cartier 。卡地亚手表cartier Paris 925 ARGE 。
请教专家,我有一款卡地亚手表cartier Paris 。请教专家,我有一款卡地亚手表cartier Paris 。
达人:英语 达人:网站 达人:游戏 达人:意思 达人:视频达人英语怎么翻译?达人 英语怎么写外贸达人求英语翻译求教达人机械英语:磨床指令英文翻译(二)英语达人进!!!!!! PLAQUEOR G 20M SWISS 2056M请各位老师鉴定一下!大概价值多少!没分了,请谅解! 超级百晓生028-06 07:33 先表明不是砖家 。说下自己的见解仅供参考 。
卡地亚 Santos Dumont 的表有个特点就是皮表带的款式,是没有钢链或金链的 。并且都是金材质的所以不是那一款 。
再说另一款SANTOS DEMOISELLE表的表链也不是这种效果的,并且表冠两侧是有突出的装饰物的是和山度士100一样的效果的 。那一款还都是小号的女款表 。
上面说了这么多,其实意思是你的表正面的效果是山度士杜蒙的效果,但表链是另一款式的效果 。再说上面的英文,说是银色的或是银材质的,谁家做表都有个特点,就是银可以镀在表盘内,外面是不能使用的,道理很简单,银饰会氧化的变色的,硬度更不行,一碰一个印 。
在说后面的数字,不知道是你看错了一位还就那几个数字,那是独立编号 。原厂是6位的 。
以上仅代表个人观点,不代表正确 。建议去当地的卡地亚专柜进行咨询 。
或是到爱表之家等论坛询问 。
3.英语写作翻译At the same time, Southwest has increased all over the international and domestic tourism marketing efforts publicity. Guangxi has sent missions to promote tourism publicity Australia, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, South Africa, Vietnam and Hong Kong, Taiwan, organized by various forms of tourism that will promote the Council, the International Tourism Fair. In domestic marketing, Guangxi and Guizhou, Yunnan jointly building and improving the Qiandongnan - north national conditions and customs, landscape scenery tourist line, the Nanning-Kunming Railway to launch full奇山秀水and love the theme of the Pearl line of travel products. Kunming, Guiyang, Haikou, Guilin, Beihai, Nanning's tourism management departments launched the "six southern Chu," cross-regional tourism products line. Yunnan and Sichuan and Yunnan, Sichuan Union introduced the ancient Silk Road tourism and cultural tourism south line. Chengdu, in 2001 the growth rate of the tourism economic indicators in the country's 15 sub-provincial cities to achieve the first two: First, the number of immigrants grew 30.5 percent, and the other is 43.69 percent growth in foreign exchange earnings.
According to statistics, in 2001 six provinces and municipalities in south-west side received seven 239,925,200 million domestic tourists, an increase of 26%, the Immigration 393.3246 million tourists, an increase of 11 percent, revenues from tourism 110.015 billion yuan, an increase of 21%, foreign exchange earnings 12.6774 billion U.S. dollars, up 15%. (END)
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