
Dear Sir
I feel so regret to write this letter to you because I choose another university as my target school after careful considerations, so I have to decline your offer .
Even though, I still thank all your appreciation and encouragement on me, which will also inspire me to pursue my dream.
2.我要拒绝美国大学的录取,我应该怎么说NO worries.
Guess the main reason is the scholarship. if so, just tell them, you can not afford it and another unviersity offers you the scholarship. you treasure such opportunity and wish that you can have a chance to go to their university in the future (if you wish). If they can reconsider to give your finance aid, you may consider to go to their univeristy. otherwise, it would be a pitty that you can not go just becasue of you failed to gother enough financial support.
Rest assured. It will not affect your visa application in the future as you never applied any before.
Of course, you need to write a good offer decline letter to them to explain why you decline the accepted offer. There are samples online, you can search and refer to them. Just remember to be honest and 诚恳地 。As far as you are honest, there is no misunderstanding of 怀疑诚信的问题
NTU is good too. Good luck!
3.拒绝offer的信怎么写title: to dear sir
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for ***,-然后对你放弃的这个职位和他们的公司称赞一番-,-说你的decline这个offer的原因- I have had another offer which I believe more closely matches my current career goals and interests.-然后说你选择的痛苦-Therefore, although it was a difficult decision,-再就是希望能找到更合适的人选和以后大家要keep in touch 。
标题就写to Dear somebody
或者写 responses of the xxx's offer
4.怎么拒绝 offer 美国学校Dear Prof.XXXX,
Thank you for granting me admission intoyour department. Your department is among the best in the U.S. I was honored atthe committee's decision to accept me. After careful consideration, however, Ihave decided that I will not be attending XXXX. I wanted to let you know assoon as I was sure; I hope you will find students who are also very suitablefor your department.
Best wishes
和上文的过程一样,就是把接受换成拒绝(decline)就可以了 。建议有多个offer的人把不想去的学校早日拒掉,因为你拿着也只能看,但拒掉了之后,就有可能使同样申请的人有机会早日拿到这个offer,对他人来说你是做了件大好事 。下面是个拒绝offer的例子:
Dear Professor,
I feel grateful for your providing me an offer to your honored University, but I have accepted the offer from another university, and I am afraid that I couldn't go to your University. Thanks for your consideration.
【拒绝美国大学offer标题怎么写】Sincerely, XXX

