
1.学校举办一个英语晚会,根据表格内容提示写一篇英文短文I am so happy that I am going to participate in the school English party on Saturday night. Two months ago, I was thirst for taking part in an English party, but I didn't find any English party around me at that time. One day, I went to a restaurant for the English corner, but I disappointed it because there were too much noisy 。
. I think I will be happy to practice and speak English with foreigners or English teachers thirstily, and will enjoy the English party. 。
1,一定要语速适中,人紧张的时候特别容易加速语速,而且是说英语,会让台下的人听不清,对你的主持印象会大打折扣 。所以语速放慢,适当的地方要学会停顿,给别人理解的时间 。
2,要学会抑扬顿挫,英语和汉语一样,要表达一个意思不是仅仅把句子读出来就可以 。一定要学会用你的语调来感染听众,更好的表达你的感情 。语调有升有降,会让演讲过程更富激情 。
3,不要眼神迷离,要时刻关注着观众,讲话同时可变换身体姿势和位置,用眼神顾及到每一个观众,这样会让听众很有归属感和亲切感 。
4,小窍门:事先一定要写好演讲稿,楼主有一定的英语基础,所以建议在演讲稿中多用复杂句式,如带宾语从句 定语从句的长句子 。首先,复杂句式可以表现出你的英语功底很高,另外,长句子分为主句从句,说起来很顺口,在讲主句的同时给自己时间回忆从句,不容易忘词,同时也不会让自己太紧张 。一篇文章同一个意思用10个短句子绝对比不上用3个长句子更好记忆 。
关于语气方面,可以尝试说主句是语气上扬,声音加大,然后停顿,减慢语速,放缓语气说从句 。
本人英语六级成绩617分 口语A级证书 以上是我在大学期间参加演讲的经验 希望对你有帮助
今天下午,我们英语补习班开英语联欢晚会,我准备了表演26个字母歌谣,同学准备的有讲故事、唱歌、相声……丰富多彩的节目 。我表演时,灯光闪烁,我的心怦怦直跳,有种要跳出来的感觉 。这时我深吸一口气,缓
缓吐了出来,眼睛看着正前方,开始了第一个字母A的表演 。已经不害怕了,一口气背到了'Z',向大家鞠躬谢幕,回到了椅子上 。妈妈举着大拇指说“你真棒!”身后的同学问我“你背的这么好,有什么诀窍?”我说“哈哈,这都是多读多练的功劳!”
This afternoon, our English classes for an English party, I'm going to perform the 26 letters of the alphabet song, students prepare a story, singing, crosstalk。。Rich and colorful programs. I performed, flashing lights, my heart was pounding, have to jump out. Then I took a deep breath, slowlyCorrosion spit it out, eyes looking straight ahead, began the first letter A performance. Have no fear, breath back to the 'Z', to take a bow, back to the chair. Mother holding the thumb to say " you are great!" Behind the students asked me "are you back so good, what is the secret?" I said," ha ha, this is to read more and have more practice!"
我纯属翻译啊 。。
好吧随便帮你写个 。
rencently ,there was a party in our class . many classmates showed their talent . some sang ,some danced and some just acted as audience . what's more , we invitede our headmaster attended the party . he was totally happy throughout the party . at the end of the party , our headmaster sang a song for us . to be honest , it was really a success . all the people attending the party were happy