1.停水如果停水、停电连着说,可以说water and power supply cut-off 。
单独的话就不一定了 。停水的说法就water supply cut-off一种,但停电就多了,一下说法可供参考:service interruption停电,断电;current failure停电,断电;power failure停电;outage停机,断电1. the amount of something (as whiskey or oil) lost in storage or transportation2. a temporary suspension of operation (as of computers) ;mains failure停电,电力网毁坏;current interruption电流中断,停电 。
【断电英语怎么写】例句与用法: 1. 频繁的停电使工厂停产 。Production in the factories stopped because of frequent power failures. 2. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了. There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 3. 停电使水供应陷于瘫痪 。
The electricity failure paralysed the water supply. 4. 我正在做晚饭时停电了 。While I was cooking supper the electricity went off. 5. 表演正好进行到一半时停电了 。
The light went out bang in the middle of the performance 。. 。
2.用英语写一篇关于寝室是否应该断电的作文The roommates of our dormitory will be divide into several groups,when we hear this news,we feel ourself unable to leave each other.Because we get on well together,we look after one another here,we have a very close relationship
We will talking after lights are out in the evening,we talk about everything.In a word,the members of our dormitory is so crazy.Our room number is 714

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