英语活动新闻稿怎么写( 三 )

10月23日晚7点,五院英语演讲比赛决赛在食品报告厅成功举行 。
本次比赛的主题为“Make your voice heard!”由给定话题的三分钟演讲、两分钟评委提问以及两分钟的现场抽题即兴演讲组成,另外比赛中还有表演与互动环节 。来自五个学院的14名优秀选手在比赛中大显身手,为观众献上了一场充满激情的英语盛宴 。
比赛伊始,动物科技学院分党委书记杨志发表了简短讲话,她希望选手们能亮出农大的学生风采,并预祝他们取得优异成绩 。随后,14名选手齐齐登台亮相,用最简练的语言与最富激情的声音向大家作了自我介绍,这一环节给评委及观众留下了深刻印象 。
演讲中,选手们围绕主题,从发扬爱心、保护环境、增强自信以及奥运等方面阐述了自己的见解,他么呈现的各有侧重的独到立场及迥异的演讲风格表明了他们不仅拥有深厚的英语功底,更兼有对社会问题的敏感与关注 。来自资环学院的二号高虹凭借饱满的感情、流利的口语和一曲优美的英文歌曲赢得了评委的一致好评 。三号来自农学与生物技术学院的罗玥用形式新颖的开场白,镇定自若的语调以及标准的英音阐述了他从一个上台紧张的新生成长为今日赛场上冷静沉着的选手的过程,令观众受益匪浅 。而来自动科学院的七号张琪玥更是凭借她动听的语音、丰富的肢体语言和澎湃的激情成为今晚的亮点 。压轴选手——来自动医学院的王楠也堪称一匹“黑马”,她用不俗的表现为比赛划上了圆满的句号 。在比赛间隙,参赛选手与观众还纷纷登台献艺,那动听的歌曲,动感的舞蹈一次次将比赛推向了高潮 。
比赛结束时,各评委老师都做出了对大赛的点评 。英语教研组的叶艳老师表示:本场比赛的整体水平很高,选手们的表现让她觉得不可思议 。充满了年轻大学生的激情与活力,对她而言仿佛聆听了一堂高水平的课程 。在随后的采访人员采访中她又补充道:“这次比赛的最大亮点在于选手们的自我介绍和他们的语音,而才艺表演也无疑为他们的表现增色不少 。但有些选手应注意不要浪费过多精力在PPT上,而应重点关注演讲本身 。”
经过近三个小时的激烈争夺,各个奖项沉埃落定 。优胜奖为动科学院的杨焱、生物学院的舒毅、农学与生物技术学院的李檬溪 。三等奖是动医学院的郭琳琳、农学与生物技术学院得刘懿以及生物学院的洪川 。二等奖得主为资环学院的高虹和农学与生物技术学院的罗玥 。摘取一等奖的是动医学院的王楠 。而夺得特等奖桂冠的是来自动科学院的张琦玥 。另外,罗玥和张琦玥还分获“最佳语音奖”和“最佳表现奖” 。
本次大赛由动物科技学院学生会主办,农学与生物技术学院、生物学院、动物医学院、资源与环境学院学生会协办 。评委为“新东方”助理教师唐珂、英语教研组叶艳老师以及两位来自北京大学的外国朋友Rabi和Sendre 。五院的分团委记、学生会主席、校学生会主席和“葡萄园”协会首任会长贺子影观看了比赛 。
9.用英语写的新闻稿,字数120左右Ministry: More Foreigners Working in China A lack of qualified personnel in both the private and public sectors has seen the number of foreigners working in the country soar.Expatriates legally employed in the country last year almost doubled compared with three years earlier, reaching a record high of more than 150,000, according to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.The rise is mainly seen in overseas-funded companies and local offices of multinationals as they expand rapidly in the coastal areas as well as big cities in the inland provinces.The most sought-after positions include those in information technology (IT) and management, including human resources and finance departments.In Shanghai alone, where more than half of the global top 500 multinationals have a presence, an estimated 40,000 foreigners work.The State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs is also hiring foreign experts every year."Foreigners with managerial and professional skills are welcome to work in China," said Gao Lin, an official with the ministry's employment department, adding that more are coming after the country joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001.Lack of talents to fill new positions is a major reason behind the influx of foreign professionals.The IT and telecommunications sectors, new materials and energies, high-tech and financial industries are particularly in need of foreign talent, said Wang Tongxun, a senior expert with the Chinese Academy of Personnel Science under the Ministry of Personnel."It means greater opportunities for both domestic and overseas talented people," he said. But since most domestic jobseekers cannot meet the requirements, foreigners fill the breach.For instance, senior personnel in finance and accounting, like finance controllers, are urgently needed, Mercer Consulting said in a mid-March report after it co-sponsored a survey with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).But most senior accounting positions are taken by expatriates, it said.Key positions such as marketing managers of overseas enterprises and foreign-funded hotels, and top posts in banks and manufacturers are also mostly taken by foreigners.For these jobs, "expatriates are paid two to three times higher than their local counterparts," said Alan Zhang, who leads Mercer's Human Capital Product Solutions business in China."Most expatriates used to take up senior managerial or senior technical positions. But since 2004, there is an increasing trend to assign expatriates at middle management and professional level," he added.S.Korean Divorces: Quicker and Cheaper Than A Movie 费用低廉手续简单 韩国人离婚速度快 在韩国,离婚是一件非常容易的事情 。