
1.英文委托书如何写Letter of Authorization
For some reason,I am sorry to say I have no time to apply for a visa to your Consul by myself .And I authorize ** to do that for me,he has all the information you need, thank you and sorry for the trouble .
2.英文委托书如何写Letter of Authorization To:________For some reason,I am sorry to say I have no time to apply for a visa to your Consul by myself .And I authorize ** to do that for me,he has all the information you need, thank you and sorry for the trouble .From______________(Seal) Date____________________ 。
3.要写一份正式的英文委托书,请高手指点Our factory has signed a contract with your company about equipment supply.Now the project has been completed,your company's new factory has been normal production.The term in the contract is **.you had paid to us three times,the first time is**,the second time is**and the last time is**,Then pack for the yuan is**.The total amount is RMB**,and RMB**short.To facilitate the payment of your company,呵呵 就到这儿
4.英文Authorization Letter(授权书)委托书
为了进一步发展国际教育文化交流,做好中美校际合作,特委托某某某代表我校与美国有关院校就共同合作友好学校事宜进行协商 。校际合作确定后由校长签字生效 。此委托书有效期2006年3月——6月 。
Letter of Authorization
In order to further the international education and culture exchanges and improve the Sino-US inter-college cooperation, Mr./Mrs., on behalf of our college,is authorized to negotiate with the US xx College on matters relating to friendly colleges in common cooperation. The cooperation between our colleges shall be valid upon signature of the Presidents of both party.
This Letter of Authorization is valid from March to June of 2006.
5.急这种委托书不需要太复杂 。可能需要附上孩子的出生证复印件,证上的父母名字必须与委托人身份一致 。
We, the undersigned, xxx and xxx, are the parents and legal guardians of xxxx. We hereby certify that it is our desire and true intention to appoint and authorize Mr. xxx to accompany xxxx to go back to Vancouver on 21st July 2010; this is due to the fact that we cannot do so ourselves due to work commitments.
I/C and signature of father:
I/C and signature of mother:
Date :
Attachment: xxxx's birth certificate
在以下签署的我们,xxx 与xxx,是 xxxx 的父母及合法监护人 。我们在此证明,由于工作关系无法抽身,现特授权委托 xxx 先生陪同xxxx 于2010年7月21日返回温哥华 。特此委托 。
附件:xxxx 出生证明书
个人授权委托书范本委托书就是一份委托人就某项事情的办理委托受托人的书面方式,主要内容是表明谁委托谁去办理什么事情,具体有哪些权限法律授权委托书范本怎么写呢一份具有法律效力的授权委托书的格式、样本要求是什么,今天委托书栏目的小编为您收集整理《个人授权委托书范本》,希望对您有所帮助 。个人委托书范本委托人:_________性别:_________身份证号:_________被委托人:_________性别:_________身份证编号:_________本人工作繁忙,不能亲自办理XXX的相关手续,特委托____________作为我的合法代理人,全权代表我办理相关事项,对委托人在办理上述事项过程中所签署的有关文件,我均予以认可,并承担相应的法律责任.委托期限:自签字之日起至上述事项办完为止.委托人:年月日================================================个人授权委托书范本法定代表人:***兹委托***(姓名、性别、年龄、职务)代表本企业为***(项目名称)的代理人,其权限如下:***(具体说明代理的事项和内容,包括谈判权、签订合同权、代为承认或者放弃一定权利权等)法定代表人:****年*月*日================================================?书写委托书必须要注意的事项法定代表人授权委托书是企业法人委托他人代为某种法律行为的法律文书 。法定代表人因事不能亲自为某种行为时,可以通过授权委托方式,指派他人去办理 。这时,就需要制作法定代表人授权委托书,被委托人在授权的范围进行活动