7.急这种委托书不需要太复杂 。
可能需要附上孩子的出生证复印件,证上的父母名字必须与委托人身份一致 。DECLARATIONWe, the undersigned, xxx and xxx, are the parents and legal guardians of xxxx. We hereby certify that it is our desire and true intention to appoint and authorize Mr. xxx to accompany xxxx to go back to Vancouver on 21st July 2010; this is due to the fact that we cannot do so ourselves due to work commitments. I/C and signature of father:I/C and signature of mother:Date : Attachment: xxxx's birth certificate 委托声明在以下签署的我们,xxx 与xxx,是 xxxx 的父母及合法监护人 。
我们在此证明,由于工作关系无法抽身,现特授权委托 xxx 先生陪同xxxx 于2010年7月21日返回温哥华 。特此委托 。
父亲身份证与签名:母亲身份证与签名:日期:附件:xxxx 出生证明书 。
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