素质教育的五段三论试作文 五段论试怎么写( 五 )

写好五段式essay与outline的7个步骤:Step 1:确定我们论文的主题(topic) 通常,我们的老师在给我们留一篇五段式的论文时也会一并给到我们论文的topic 。对此51due的建议是大家的introduction要遵从老师给的topic,而在进行整体写作时,也需时刻follow老师给我们的topic 。
举个例子,老师给我们的topic通常会是下面这样的:“What are the arguments for or against writing a 5-paragraph essay? Should teachers continue requesting this writing method from students?” Step 2:确定我们的立场 大家要从中找到自己的立场,当我们确定自己的立场后,就要从学校的资料库或者网上材料中找到足够的论据来支持自己的论点 。要注意的是,我们在写essay之前一定要确认自己的立场(比如我们是否同意这个观点,一定是“是”或者“否”,或者一定从topic的两个观点中选出其中一个),否则,我们的论文将无法继续 。
这里51due要借用下上面给出的例子,例如选取的观点是“against the 5-paragraph writing 。” Step 3:写出一个清晰的thesis statement 依然借用上面的例子,51due刚才所选择的观点是“against the 5-paragraph writing 。”
因此,我们的thesis statement必然是“Teachers should stop teaching students to write 5-paragraph essays.” 。在写thesis statement时,我们的thesis需明确且清晰 。
此外,“should”这个词在thesis statement中的使用会使句子更加有力度 。比如在51due的thesis里,“Teachers should stop teaching students to write 5-paragraph essays”要比“5-paragraph essay are boring”或类似的句子更加能明确51due的立场,也更有力 。
Step 4:用三个论点来强化我们的thesis 现在我们需要三个论点来支撑我们的thesis,还是借用上面的例子,51due的三个论点如下:论点A:The 5-paragraph essay is too basic.论点B:There are myriad other ways to write essays, many of which are more thought-provoking and creative than the 5-paragraph essay.论点C: The 5-paragraph essay does not allow for analytical thinking, rather, it confines students to following a restrictive formul.Step 5:给我们的每个论点找出三个论据 我们的论据需要包括相应的证明、数据或者事实根据 。用我们上面的论点A来做例子:论点A:The 5-paragraph essay is too basic Support 1A:Chicago teacher Ray Salazar says, “The five-paragraph essay is rudimentary, unengaging, and useless.” Support 1B:Elizabeth Guzik of California State University, Long Beach says, “The five paragraph essay encourages students to engage only on the surface level without attaining the level of cogency demanded by college writing.” Support 1C:According to an article in Education Week, “There is a consensus among college writing professors that 'students are coming [to college] prepared to do five-paragraph themes and arguments but [are] radically unprepared in thinking analytically.'” 这里需要注意的是,在五段式文章的写作中,大家的每个论点最好都要有3个论据的支持,也就是说,我们的文章中总共有3个论点、9个论据 。
Step 6:扩展我们的outline 首先,用一个“hook”来点亮我们的“introduction”部分,当大家确定自己的thesis和自己的论点论据之后,便可以开始扩展自己的五段式outline的整体构架了 。首先,从大家的“introduction”部分开始,不过大家开始时需要用一个“hook”来点亮读者的眼睛 。
例如,对于51due的these来说,51due的hook可以是下面这样的:“English teachers across the nation have been teaching students to become ineffective writers.” 这句话在51due的整体文章中就像是一个大胆的声明,可以起到鼓励51due文章的读者继续阅读下文来找出为何我会这样说的原因 。尤其是当大家的读者恰恰是自己的英语老师时,他会更加愿意从大家的essay中发现一个让他眼前一亮的“hook” 。