
1. “很简单”英文怎么写 很简单的英文:
1. as easy as pie;
2. a piece of cake;
3. very simple
1. 你能很简单地改变一幅画中事物的相对比例 。
You can vary the relative proportions of things in a picture very simply.
2. 明年夏天的考试在执行和评分上都将很简单 。
Next summer's exams would be straightforward to administer and mark.
【简单的英文怎么写的】3. 事情很简单,那就是对大多数人来说,网上冲浪费用太高 。
The simple fact is that, for most people, surfing is too expensive.
4. 答案很简单 。
The answer is simple
5. 故事很简单,甚至有些幼稚 。
The story is simple, even puerile.
2. 很简单 英文怎么说 很简单的英文是It's simple那很简单重点词汇simple英 [?s?mpl] 美 [?s?mp?l] adj.简单的; 单纯的; 易受骗的; 天真的n.笨蛋; 愚蠢的行为; 出身低微者;扩展资料1.The letter was short — a simple recitation of their problem. 信写得很短——只是简单地说了一下他们的问题 。
32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad94313333656662662.Though off-puttingly complicated in detail, local taxes are in essence simple. 虽然地税在细节上复杂得要命,但在本质上却很简单 。3.The room remains simple with bare, stippled green walls. 房间仍然很简朴,四面都是饰有圆点的绿色空墙 。
4. Sadly, the film is let down by an excessively simple plot. 遗憾的是,过于简单的情节使得这部电影差强人意 。5. "But Peter, it's not that simple," Goldstone countered in a firm voice. “但是,彼得,事情并非那么简单,”戈德斯通语气坚决地驳斥道 。
3. 很简单英文怎么写 很简单的英文表示:very simple 。
very simple:很简陋;很朴实;很纯粹;很简单 短语: Very simple in French 懂得简单的法语 He feels very simple 感觉他很朴实 English is very simple 英文很简单 Are very simple 都十分简陋 method is very simple 方法非常简单 very convenient and simple 方便简单 A Very Simple Category 很简单一类 例句: Of course, we have it in very simple form for the ideal solution. 当然,我们对于理想溶液,有它的62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333431376663十分简单的形式 。扩展资料: 近义词: 1、a piece of cake:形容非常容易 短语: Is a Piece of Cake 让孩子开口说英文 be a piece of cake 非常简单 ; 小菜一碟 Not a piece of cake 谈何容易 a piece of cake piece 是指一片 ; 详细翻译 Just a piece of cake 没什么 ; 小菜一碟 ; 轻松自如 A piece of birthday cake 一块生日蛋糕 例句: Of course, you already know how to do that, so this is a piece of cake -- if you've forgotten, Listing 3 is a quick refresher. 当然,您已经知道如何去做了,所以这是轻而易举的事情 -- 如果您忘了如何去做,那么可以参看清单3作为复习 。
2、as easy as pie:小事一桩;轻而易举 短语: as easy as a pie 极容易 ; 非常容易 It's as easy as pie 非常简单 Easy as pie 不费吹灰之力 ; 非常简单 easy as a pie 容易 easy as pie very easy 很容易 例句: So what this study suggests is that for many people self-deception is as easy as pie. 所以这项研究说明人们极其容易自我欺骗 。
4. 简单的英文怎么读 simple [??simpl] adj. 简单的; 容易的 He wrote a story in simple English. 他用简单的英语写了一则故事 。朴素的; 简朴的 We use bricks and branches of trees to form a simple shelter. 我们用砖和树枝搭成一个简陋的避难所 。自然的; 率直的; 天真的 He is a simple and well liked man. 他是一个纯朴可爱的人 。易受骗的; 迟钝的,头脑简单的 You may be joking but she's simple enough to believe you. 你也许是在开玩笑,但她却愚蠢得信以为真 。straightforward [streit??f??:w??d] adj. (人或其态度)正直的,坦率的; 老实的 She gave me a straightfor-ward answer. 她坦率地回答了我 。简单的; 易懂的 This is a straightforward task. 这是一项很容易完成的任务 。