
1. 《每日镜报》采访人员罗伯特·弗丘的英文原文【丘的英文怎么写】 想必楼主看完这个就会豁然开朗了 。
罗伯特·弗丘其人探究:在Google.com中搜索关键字:"Rob Virtue" Mirror返回543个结果,没有一条标明Rob Virtue是英国《每日镜报》(Daily Mirror)的采访人员 。只有若干条搜索结果显示Rob Virtue是《The Wharf》的采访人员 。
进入《The Wharf》主页pleted a statement, having regard to violence. Brothers do not know, felt the bite of their laughter. Introduction of static thinking, having躬自condolences. And Seoul偕老,old grudges me. Qi are offshore, there were Pan Xi. Feast of the total angular, made晏晏laugh. Pledged not to think of their anti-. Is not anti-thinking, behavior has Weizai! Appreciation: "Vagrant" is a poem made up of abandoned, abandoned and negative descriptions of the man from the heart engaged, Ying-check, but also to suffer abuse, abandonment, after the express had abandoned with the abandonment of ill-treatment of pain and sorrow, but also expressed her "Qide 23" men of anger, although she has with the helpless of the past, but her marriage to the love and loyalty and the performance of a firm protest and "do not think its anti-" determination. Narrative poem seems to follow the developments through the arrangements, but write ups and downs, twists and turns volatile. There are the expectations of first love, and take the joy of welcoming, and the pain of abuse, the sad abandoned, plus look back over more sighs. Which contrast with dark, before and after the changes in the character of public men and women to identify. This state of affairs changes, emotional changes, that is also expressed in the language of poetry is to come. Ma Rui-chen-ching in the "Chuan-Jian Tong Mao release" wrote: "for the blind ignorant ruffian called ignorance." Poem "When the men did not know Meng said at the beginning; said about child marriage, son of man who name is also, says married people, who are husband also. "and selected as the image of things, both the analogy was apt, vivid, emotional events are also afraid of suggesting that context. Sang at the time of first marriage "fertile if their leaves," encountered at the time of abandonment, then "the yellow and fall from the sky." Its wonderful twists and turns, love to do stoop, reading from there Shenyun Arts Features Characters have distinct character traits The heroine is a sincere, kind-hearted, hard-working and loyal woman. Her yearning for freedom and the pursuit of happiness love life, she was the false Meng confused private Xu Meng body to show her lightly. She also explained that the bold and decisive; she engaged in good faith after the vagrant思恋,the family business after their hard toil, even if the ruffian on the abuse she scolded, still the same mind, as always, love Meng, only to be abandoned, expelled from their homes when before they are rudely awakened, decided to make a clean break with the ruffian, angrily criticized the despicable acts against Meng, this is not resigned to her humiliation, not by the fate of a protest, showing good sense of her character, determination and courage of the side. Meng is a despicable and shameless, hypocritical, vicious负心汉of his first fraudulent hospitality, vowed, by means of divination deceive the heroine of the love and property. After marriage, they remove the veil, slavery, wife beating, with the elderly woman's color failure, will be kicked out of her home. Portray characters by comparing the way a. with the heroine of the contrast with the vagrant. The focus of comparison is that both sides of each other's different approaches, two of the true characters, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, is in this comparison showed a strong contrast to each other. b. People in their own thinking and behavior both before and after contrast. Meng's words and deeds in order to get married for the sector, the performance of the "pledged" and "having regard to。