
1. “潜水”用英语怎么表达 “潜水”用英语的表达:lurk
读法:英 [l??k] 美 [l??rk]
lurk in 隐藏在
hide lurk 潜藏
Lurk luck 潜伏埋伏
读法:英 [?'m??d?] 美 [?'m?d?]
释义:vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露
emerge victorious 得胜
emerge vi 浮现
Would Emerge 会出现
读法:英 [?'p??] 美 [?'p?r]
释义:vi. 出现;显得;似乎;出庭;登场
appear on 在 。上出现
appear to be 好像是;仿佛
appear under 以…出现
2. 英语作文《潜在的才能》 How To Discover Your Potential Talent:1. Try new things your are afraid of doing: First, ask your self why you are afraid and what your missing for not trying it? If you are afraid of trying something new because your scared it wont work, you wont let any of your hidden talents rise to the surface to make themselves known.I have always been afraid of dancing, but this year I decided to give Salsa a try. What I was afraid of was that I would look stupid and that I wouldn't be good at it, all conditioning from a few childhood experiences I had.At the beginning I know that I looked pretty terrible and I found I wasn't a naturally gifted dancer, but I got passed it. A few months later and I now know many of the basics and even had a little mini performance. While it's too early to tell if I will be talented at it, I am happy I did it. If I had listened to my fears I would have missed out on a lot of fun and some great friendships.One of the best ways to explore your hidden talents is by trying completely new “scary” things for yourself. Skydive, sing at a Karaoke bar, volunteer for something you never considered, join a club, study something completely foreign to you. The moment you step out of your comfort zone you will surprise your self with that you can be capable of.2. What's easy for you?: Do you have any friends who mention to you that “I wish I could do _____ as good as you do”. Does it come so naturally, that you don't think it's a big deal? Take a closer look, great things don't need to come through struggle, some people are truly blessed with natural gifts, don't take them for granted.You may not be that aware of the things you do best but people who know you do. Listen to people when they say, “have you ever thought of doing____?” or “You are really good at___.” We all think that the things we are good at are easy, so we tend to discount their value. Conversely, we value things that we find difficult – which other people find easy.3. Meditate on it and go with your gut: Learn to go inside yourself, tune into yourself, if you learn to pay attention and know how to look, you already have all the answers to all your questions.Bottom line is, we are all different, we all have all have our own unique perspective on things. Don't be afraid to stand out and be an individual, share whatever makes you unique, your life as well as the lives of others will be much better off for it.If you enjoyed this post you may want to check out my ebook, “How To Get Your Shine On: From The Inside Out”, which can assist you in finding and sharing your talent with the world.网上花了不少时间找的,从中抄几句吧,望采纳,诚意 。