
1. 宠物用英文怎么写 宠物 [chǒng wù]
n. pet
misc. the object of one's affections
定义指豢养的招人喜爱的小动物 。如波斯猫、巴儿狗 。提供者:有道百科增加我的定义网络释义专业释义汉语词典
定义 中文名称: 宠物 英文名称: pet 定义: 人类豢养并宠爱的动物 。应用学科: 资源科技(一级学科); 动物资源学(二级学科) 推荐给: 献给: 点子合作者: 相关标签 知识产权.
2. 写关于宠物的英语作文 On my 15-year-old birthday, my aunt give me a little golden dog as my birthday present. He's very lovely because he always like to roll on the ground and show some funny expression.
From then on, I've treated him as my real family and one of my very important friends.I rely on him very much. When I have some problems difficult to solve, I am really willing to talk with him, and he always support me with his paw slightly toughing my skin. Now he grow to a big dog but still lovely and sweet. when I return home, he will to come to me at once and show his happiness. I think he must love me as I love him. With his company I won't feel lonely forever so I feel so lucky to own such a kind dog. But I am so afraid that one day he will become very old and leave the world and I can't imagine how sad i will be. Anyway, I will treasure every moment with him.