
1. 玩够了就回来吧的英文怎么写 玩够了就回来吧,英语是:If you play enough, then come back.
play 英[ple?] 美[ple?]
n. 游戏; 比赛; 戏剧;
vt. 玩; 演奏; 演出; 参加比赛;
vt. 扮演; 担任,充当…的角色; 演出; 装扮;
[例句]They played in the little garden
他们在小花园里玩耍 。
enough 英[??n?f] 美[??n?f]
adv. 足够地,充足地; 十分地;
adj. 足够的; 充足的;
n. 充分,足够; 满足;
[例句]They had enough cash for a one-way ticket
他们有足够的钱买单程票 。
come 英[k?m] 美[k?m]
vi. 来; 出现; 开始; 发生;
vt. 做; 装扮…的样子; 将满(…岁);
int. 嗨!;
[例句]Two police officers came into the hall
两位警官走进大厅 。
2. 英文“来次够”什么意思,英文怎么写 让我们走!Let's go=let us go
1. 早上催孩子上学 "Let's go!" : "走了,走了"
2. 在游泳池里开始游泳 "Let's go": "开始!" "游吧!"
3. 在车里 "Let's go": "开车了,开了,出发了"
4. Let's Go Further
far的俩个比较级,一个是farther指距离上的;further 指比较抽象的意思
Let's go further
Let 's go one further then , and try to address Mike 's challenge .
I talked about the issue of the will power and creativity in brief last time, but ifeel it was too superficial . 【Now let 's go a little bit further 】
【够够的英文怎么写】前次略谈了一下意志力和创造力的问题,但觉患上还没谈到点子上 。【现在,让我们再来继续谈谈】