
1. 整理用英语怎么说 clean up
clear up
pack up
tidy up
1.arrange; put in order; reorganize; sort out; straighten out; tidy; trim
It is full of dust. I must get it arranged and put straight.
里面尽是尘土,我得把它收拾整理一下 。
You'd better tidy up your desk a bit and have all the drawers fixed up.
你最好整理一下你的书桌,把所有的抽屉都收拾一下 。
collation of ancient books
regularization of Chinese characters
【整理英语怎么写的】I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick after me.
把屋子打扫干净,把孩子拾掇整齐,还要跟在我后面收拾整理 。
1. arrangement
到达arrange 。整理,安排,筹备arrangement 。排列,布置arrangement, scheme of
2. arrange
arouse v. 唤醒;激起 。arrange v.整理,排列;安排 。arrest v.逮捕;扣留;阻止;吸引 n.逮捕;扣留
3. classification
stop/switch off a press关机 。classification整理 。regulation整顿
4. put in order
1. (organize) 安排;筹备 。2. (put in order) 整理;布置 。3. [音乐]改编
2. 整理的英文怎么说 整理资料的英文翻译为sorting data,音标是['s??t?? 'de?t?] 。
词汇分析 sorting data 释义:整理资料;打叠整顿资料;排序 短语 Paging and Sorting Report Data 排序数据 Sorting categories and data 将类别与资料分类 Restricting and Sorting Data 限制和排序数据 Sorting And Comparative Data 整理和比照数据 See Sorting Data 请参阅排序资料 拓展双语例句1、Also used for sorting data already on the client. 还用于排序客户机上已有的数据 。2、This portion also grows when sorting data, for example when building big indexes by the server. 当对数据进行分类时,这个区也会增长,例如通过服务器构建大索引 。
3、They are often used for sorting data. 它们经常用来排序数据 。4、Allows or prohibits the sorting of data in the spreadsheet. 允许或禁止在电子表格中插入、删除列或行 。
5、Scientists and experts have to do a certain amount of data sorting. 科学家和专家们也需要做某种程度的数据排序 。
3. 文章整理中的“整理”一词用英文怎么说 觉得SORT OUT 最好
整理: [ zhěng lǐ ]
1. arrange
2. sort out
3. list systematically
<neaten> <tidy up> <trimness> <trimming> <clear-up> <clear up> <set one's house in order> <unscramble> <put in order> <sort through> <collate> <get things square> <marshal> <ordination> <arrangement> <unclutter>
1. 他有必要整理些资料供我参考 。
It is necessary that he (should) sort out the information for my reference.
2. 要你来整理就别躲著了, 干吧!
You're supposed to tidy up, so stop shirking and do it!
3. 我们做整理工作轻而易举.
We made light work of the tidying up.
4. 她花了整整一个下午整理邮票 。
She spent a whole afternoon sorting out her stamps.
5. 我稍微整理了一下思路, 然后回答说 。.
After a few seconds to unscramble my thoughts, I replied 。
6. 他死后, 他妹妹整理了他的(私人)财物.
After his death his sister sorted through his (personal) belongings.