
1. 陪英文怎么写 这要看你具体指哪个陪了
1. escort
Are you going to escort me to lunch again?
Let me escort you to your room to ensure everything is done.
让我陪您去房间确保一切都好 。
2. accompany
She asked me to accompany her to the airport.
她要求我陪她到机场去 。
3. stay with
Please stay with me another hour.
请你再陪我一个小时吧 。
4. keep company
Jim has been keeping company with a tough-looking bunch of boys.
吉姆一直陪着一群相貌粗野的男孩子(跟他们在一起) 。
2. 我陪你一起走:用英语怎么写 : “我陪你一起走”用英语:Let's go;Please take me with you;let me accompany you to walk.
1. And the man said, They are departed hence; for I heard them say, Let us go to Dothan.
然后打发人把彩衣送到他们父亲那里 , 说:“这是我们找到的 。
2. And the people of the city looked curiously at him, and he grew afraid and said to his Soul, `Let us go hence, for she who dances with white feet is not here.
【陪英文怎么写】人们也用异样的目光打量着他 , 他于是惧怕起来 , 对灵魂说 , “我们离开这里吧 , 那赤着雪足跳舞的姑娘并不在这儿 。”