
1. 为什么英文怎么写 why 英 [wa?] 美 [wa?] adv. 为什么;conj.。
的理由;为什么名词复数: whys词汇搭配why ever 究竟为什么 Why not (+动词原型):为何 。Why so? 为什么? 为什么是这 。
Every why has a why. 有理由必有原因 。
例句用作连词 (conj.)1、The reasons why he did it are obscure.他做那事的理由还不清楚 。2、That is why I am not in favour of the plan.那是我不赞成这个计划的理由 。
扩展资料:why的用法词语用法adv. (副词)1、why的意思是“为什么” , 可用作疑问副词 , 也用作关系副词 , 还用作连接副词 , 可以引导名词从句 。2、why作为疑问副词 , 引导特殊疑问句或省略的特殊疑问句 , 表示疑问 , 意思是“为什么”; 后面跟不带to的动词不定式 , 意思是“为什么要…” , 表示某一动作是不必要的或无意义的 。
3、why not有三重含义:①表示“为什么不” , ②表示建议 , ③表示同意 。why not跟不带to的动词不定式 , 用来提出建议 , 表示“为什么不…” ,  why not也可用来对前面的否定句进行提问 。
4、why用作关系副词 , 意思是“为什么 , 为了什么的缘故、理由或目的” 。可引导定语从句 , 可以单独用在reason的后面作为修饰语 。
5、why作为连接副词 , 可引导主语从句 , 也可引导宾语从句或表语从句 。int. (感叹词)1、why用作感叹词时 , 主要表示吃惊、承认、认可 , 如果对方提的问题过于简单 , 回答时可以用why来表示轻微的惊异 , 有时用来表示不耐烦、抗议或异议 。
2、why在口语中还可以用来表示踌躇或踌躇后再继续往下说 。
2. 英文怎么写 Does not have other only wants to say is unfair to me really to love you no matter how you can think how you did say cannot change me to decide you knew the sentiment is very difficult to say very difficult to say the spouse or the friend wants to listen to my palpitation to you to think you knew I rest not not well drink water was thinking you travel by vehicle were thinking your ke eye closes one's eyes appears all is your I could not guess correctly your expression I cannot wait for your response not to want to feel embarrassed you not to want to give up you The decision tells you is unfair to me to like you not having other only wants to say how is unfair to me all to be able to treasure no matter how you can speak you to be able how to do cannot affect my mood you to know the boy is sometimes more difficult to ascertain difficult to ascertain the spouse or the friend to forever me really can feel now as soon as wants to think your my heart on jumps my appearance to remember crazily the firm sweetheart card does have receives studies was thinking you listen to the song to think your earth and the blue sky appear all are your I no matter only then your expression I only then pay no attention to you to respond do not want to thank you not to want to give up you decide tells you is unfair to me to love your youListens to my palpitation you to look I rest not not well drink water was thinking you travel by vehicle were thinking your ke eye closes one's eyes instantaneous appears all is your I could not guess correctly your expression I cannot wait for your response not to want to thank you not to want to give up you decide tells you is unfair to me to love you 。
3. 【什么】的英文怎么写 什么的英文为:What 。
what英式发音 [w?t] , 美式发音 [wɑ:t] 。意思是:(用以询问某人或某事物的词)什么 , 多少;…的事物…的(事物或人) , (用于感叹句中) , (用以表示不相信或惊奇);(用以表示未听清楚对方说的话) 。