
1. 冬天的英语单词怎么写 冬天的英语单词:winter
读音:英 ['w?nt?(r)] 美 ['w?nt?r]
n. 冬季;冬天
adj. 冬天的;冬季生长的
vi. 过冬
vt. 对。进行过冬保护
1、dislike the winter 不喜欢冬天
2、have a winter 过冬
3、chilly winter 寒冬
4、early winter 初冬
1、Winter is the coldest season in a year.
冬季是一年中最冷的季节 。
2、Winter is the low season at seaside hotels.
冬季是海滨旅馆业的淡季 。
3、The severeness of the winter made her weaker.
冬天的严酷使她身体更加虚弱 。
4、They have stored up much fuel for the winter.
他们已储存大量过冬用的燃料 。
1、winter多用作不可数名词,常不加冠词; 但具体表示某一年的冬天时可用作不可数名词, winter前要加定冠词the; 其前有定语修饰时,须加不定冠词 。
2、winter泛指“在冬天”时须用介词in 。
3、winter与one, this, last, next等词连用时其前一般不用介词,在句中多用作时间状语 。
4、winter也可表示“年,岁”,为可数名词,常用于诗歌中 。
5、winter and summer的意思是“不分寒暑”,在句中常用作状语,前面不加介词 。
2. “在冬天”用英语怎么说 in winter 在冬天;在冬季 短语: 1.wool in the winter/冬天的羊毛 | 在冬季羊毛 | 羊毛在冬季 2.In our winter city/不再提起的英雄 3.About in the winter/大约在冬季 4.In late winter love/爱延迟在冬季 5.Land in the winter/冬天的耕地 6.Beauty in Love Winter/靓女爱冬季 7.In a winter vacation/在大一寒假 8.In great winter vacation/在大一寒假 9.Fangshan in Early Winter/初冬枋山 例句: 1.This pond often catches in winter./这个池塘在冬天常常结冰 。
2.They often rolled the snowballs in winter./他们在冬天常常滚雪球玩 。3.Your glasses would completely steam up when you come into the warm room in winter./在冬天进到温暖的房间时,眼镜上会全部蒙上水汽 。
4.The high wind whistled through the streets in winter./冬天强风呼啸着吹过街道 。5.In winter, the weather in the North can ice people's breath./冬天,北方的天气冷得可以使人们呼出的呵气立即结冰 。
6.Not usually, but it always snows in winter./通常不会,但是在冬天总是下雪的 。7.But usually Christmas shall be in winter./但是通常圣诞节都是在冬天 。
8.One of the things I find fascinating is how beautiful everything can be in winter./我发现很奇妙的一件事情就是在冬天一切都变得如斯美丽 。9.Running outside in winter?/冬天在户外跑步? 10.But have you ever stopped to think of the many people who have been involved in producing that pullover you wear in winter?/但是你有没有停下来想一想,制作你在冬季穿的那件毛衫的过程中,涉及到了多少个人? 。
3. 春,夏,秋,冬的英语单词怎么写 春,夏,秋,冬的英语单词分别如下:
spring 英[spr??] 美[spr??]
n. 春季; 泉水,小溪; 弹簧,弹性; 跳跃;
vi. 跳,跃; 突然发出或出现; 发源; 劈开,裂开;
vt. 突然跳出; 跳过; 使开裂;
[例句]The Labor government of Western Australia has an election due next spring
西澳大利亚工党政府明年春天要举行选举 。
summer 英[?s?m?(r)] 美[?s?m?]
n. 夏,夏天; 全盛时期,黄金时代,壮年时期; [建] 大梁,檀条,楣,柱顶石; 岁数;
adj. 夏季的;
v. 度过夏季,避暑; 使度过夏季,夏季放牧(家畜);
[例句]I escaped the heatwave in London earlier this summer and flew to Cork
今年初夏我逃离了伦敦的炎热,飞往科克去避暑 。