
1. 【什么】的英文怎么写 什么的英文为:What 。what英式发音 [w?t],美式发音 [wɑ:t] 。意思是:(用以询问某人或某事物的词)什么,多少;…的事物…的(事物或人),(用于感叹句中),(用以表示不相信或惊奇);(用以表示未听清楚对方说的话) 。
1、What do you want?
2、You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour
你可以想象汽车以每小时30英里的速度撞向一堵砖墙结果会怎样 。
3、What precisely triggered off yesterday's riot is still unclear
究竟是什么引发了昨天的骚乱还不清楚 。
4、He drinks what is left in his glass as if it were water
他把杯子里剩下的东西当水一样全喝了下去 。
5、'Dad?' — 'What?' — 'Can I have the car tonight?'
6、'They could paint this place,' she said. 'What?' he asked.
“他们可以粉刷这个地方,”她说 。“什么?”他问 。
7、What a horrible thing to do
8、It's, what, eleven years or more since he's seen him
打从他上次见他,已有,嗯,11年甚至更久了 。
9、Guess what? I'm going to dinner at Mrs. Combley's tonight
你猜怎么着?今晚我要去康伯利夫人家里赴宴 。
10、Look at that moon. Is that beautiful or what?
2. 看的英文怎么写 see:[ si: ]
例:When you look at a star, you do not see its present condition. You see it as it used to be.
当你仰望一颗星星时,你看不到它的现状,你看到的只是它以前的样子 。
look at:
例:We should learn to look at problems all-sidedly.
watch:[ w?t? ]
例:The police put a watch on the suspect's house.
警方派人监视那个可疑人的住宅 。
3. 说的英文怎么写 1、speak
读音:英 [spi?k] 美 [spi?k]
v. 讲;说话;演说;发言
Does anyone speak English here?
读音:英 [se?] 美 [se?]
v. 说;讲;比如说;表明
n. 发言权;意见
She said that she liked singing.
她说她喜欢唱歌 。
1. speak的基本意思是“讲”“谈”,指用声音表达意思,着重开口发声,而且着眼于个人的言语行为,可指自言自语,也可指支离破碎地交谈 。其后常接语言、实话等词 。speak还可作“发言,演说,作报告”解,指连贯、系统、正式的讲话 。
2. speak还可表示用说话以外的方式“表明”“显示”“表达”,引申还可表示“用响声宣告” 。
3. speak可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词 。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语 。
4. 设置的英文怎么写 “设置”的英文写法:intercalate
读法:英 [?n't??k?le?t;,?nt?k?'le?t] 美 [?n't?k?,let]
释义:vt. 设置;插入
intercalate binding插入键合
intercalate agents插层剂
intercalate agent嵌合剂
intercalate of speciality专业设置
1、The exchangeable characteristic of cation is the driving force that makes the organic cation intercalate the interlayers.
蛭石层间阳离子的可交换特性是使有机阳离子插入到层间域的驱动力 。
2、The European calendar mandated by Pope Gregory in 1583 is the only world calendar that did not intercalate at least two celestial cycles.
欧洲历法被教宗格里高利于1583年指定为唯一的世界历法,至少没有插入两个天体循环 。