
1. 信息的英语怎么写【信息的英语怎么写】 信息 information
信息处理 information processing; message processing;
信息技术 information technology;
信息时代information age;
信息网络 information network;
信息系统information system;
信息资源 information resources
2. 【写一篇英语作文,写一篇八十字的关于如何获得找工作信息的英语作 There are several things you cannot ignore when tracking down information on job openings.First ,you must think about whether you are interested in the job or not.Then you shall find out some information about the job which you are interested in,for example,the profession,age,work experience and so on .At the same time you shall know about the company providing the job opening,such as its culture,products,scope of business.You need to know well about these informations so that you can find a good and suitable job. 。