
1. 报道英文怎么写 报道
[词典] report; cover; news report; information
Many journalists enter the country to report on political affairs.
许多采访人员进入该国对政治事件进行报道 。
There was a news report of a man-eating tiger.
有报道称出现了一只吃人的老虎 。
2. 怎么写英文的新闻报道 On the night of National Day we watch fireworks.
It's October 1 ( the first).It's National Day.
October first is the National Day of China.
It's October 1 ( the first).It's National Day.
Two of my classmates descended upon me on National Day.
October 1 is celebrated as the National Day in China.
My grandmother is doing up some watermelon so that we can eat them on National Day.
We should make the best of our time and not waste the precious days ofour youth.
During the National Day, nearly all the units stick flags out.
After working in a factory for several years, he decided to dust off his middle school textbooks and sit for the college entrance examination
3. 求英语作文 (写报道)的格式 题目、小题目、内容
When the police in Taizhou traffic police

4. 写一份完整的英语报道 ,内容如下【报道英文怎么写】 How much words you need? What kind you people in your team. How many people you need to analyse? I am not sure what's your meaning. Are you mean to analyse all the people in a team and according to their ability and personal characters to give them right job? You'd better give more information about this report. 。