
1. 怎样写美味午餐的英语作文 I like milk.Because it is very diliceics.it is
white.White is my favourite coulur,So I also like
milk.Milk have many yingyang,So we shoulk don't eat it a little.Hope you also like milk!
My favouite food is meatballs.Why do I like meatballs?They're made of meat,but not like hamburgers or some have meat but bad for peoples' food.Meatballs are delicious,but not like ice cream or chocolate have too much sugar and fat.What's your favourite food(or drink)?
我最喜欢的食物是肉丸 。为什么呢?它门是用肉做的,但不像汉堡包那样含有肉却对人无益的食物 。肉丸很美味,但不像雪糕和巧克力那样有太多的糖以及脂肪 。那么,你最喜欢的食物(或饮料)呢?
2. 午餐的英语怎么说 午餐的英语:lunch,发音为: [l?n(t)? 扩展资料词性:n. 午餐;vt. 吃午餐;供给午餐;vi. 吃午餐;供给午餐 。
短语: have lunch 吃午饭,吃午餐 after lunch 午饭后 lunch time 午饭时间 at lunch 午餐时;吃午餐 free lunch 免费午餐 eat lunch 吃午餐 out to lunch 疯狂的;神志不清的;过时的;懒散的 lunch break 午休时间 lunch box 饭盒;便当 lunch hour 午餐时间 do lunch 共进午餐 ,共进午餐: picnic lunch 便当,野餐 business lunch 工作午餐;商业午餐 buffet lunch 简易午餐 working lunch 工作餐,工作午餐 light lunch 很随便的午饭;口味清淡的午餐 box lunch 盒饭;盒装午餐 造句: 1、She made a hasty lunch. 她匆匆吃了午餐 。2、Deposit your lunch tray at the cafeteria door. 把你的午餐托盘放在自助餐馆门口 。
3、The waiter appeared like magic from the kitchen with a steaming hot lunch. 服务员像变幻术似地从厨房里端出一份热气腾腾的午餐 。
3. 关于午餐的英语作文 在当今竞争激烈的社会里,很多女性因为不愿意吃容易使人发胖的快餐,午餐随便吃点零食打发,患了低血糖、贫血等病,男性则为了吃得饱,而吃多了快餐,导致甘油三脂高,低密度脂蛋白缺乏 。值得注意的是,一些退化性老年性疾病,如高血压,糖尿病等病目前的患者年龄已经大大提前,在30岁左右的人群中,这类病已经比较多见了 。
午餐要吃好 。主要是营养结构的合理性 。首先重口感,色、香味俱全 。肉食不要太多,不过于油腻,热量基本上够就可以了,蛋白质补充要充足,以新鲜、时令的荤素菜为主 。不能把一天的美食希望都寄托在晚上 。这也是造成健康状况差的一个原因,因为不规律的饮食会造成身体代谢紊乱,胃纳差,一些人发现,很饿的时候吃一点东西就饱了,或者吃了东西胃不舒服.
In today's highly competitive society, many women refuse to eat it easily because the fat of fast food, snacks to eat lunch casually dismissed, suffering from low blood sugar, anemia and other diseases, while men in order to eat, and eat more fast food, lead to high triglycerides, low density lipoprotein lack. It is worth noting that some age-related degenerative diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes and other diseases present in patients with age has been greatly advanced in the 30-year-old crowd, such a disease has often been compared.
Eat a good lunch. Trophic structure is reasonable. First of all, re-texture, color, aroma and taste. Not too much meat, but on the greasy, basically enough heat can be a protein supplement should be adequate to fresh, seasonal cuisine. Food should not the day In the evening hopes. This is caused by a poor health status, because the irregular diet can cause metabolic disorders, poor appetite, some people found that when the hungry something to eat on bread, or eat things stomach.