1. “妹妹”的英文怎么写 “妹妹”的英文:sister
在西方,“姐姐”和“妹妹”都叫sister,只有需要特别表明年龄大小时或其他必要情况下,才分为elder sister和younger sister 。堂姐妹应说cousin 。
sister,读音:英 ['s?st?(r)] 美 ['s?st?r]
n. 姐妹
1、half sister 同父异母的妹妹
2、little sister 小妹妹
3、nice sister 讨人喜欢的妹妹
4、whole sister 同父母姐妹
1、Don't keep blaming your little sister for your bad behaviour.
不要总是把你的不良行为怪在你的小妹妹身上 。
2、After his parents died, responsibility for his three younger sisters bore down upon the young man.
父母亲去世后,照顾三个妹妹的重担压在这个年轻人的肩上 。
3、Bless you, my sister!
4、Don't play all day long, sister.
妹妹,别一天到晚玩 。
cousin英 ['k?zn] 美 ['k?zn]
n. 堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹)
1、I have seven cousins.
我有七个堂〔表〕兄弟姐妹 。
2、Both his cousins are called John.
他的两个表弟都叫约翰 。
2. 妹妹的英文单词怎么写 妹妹
n. younger sister,
sister 我妹妹是同我一同散步的伙伴 。My sister was the partner of my walks.我把她看做自己的妹妹 。I regarded her as my own sister.我妹妹一向可怜那些无家可归的孩子 。My sister always takes pity on the homeless children.我在路上碰到你妹妹了 。I met your sister on the way.我妹妹6岁入学 。My sister started school at the age of six.你妹妹是医生还是护士?Is your sister a doctor or a nurse?我妹妹的服饰审美观完全与我相反 。My sister's taste in dresses is adverse to my own.我请你的妹妹向你转达我的祝愿 。I asked your sister to communicate my wishes to you.我把她看作自己的妹妹 。I regarded her as my own sister.他爱上了我的妹妹 。He fell in love with my younger sister.我妹妹性格开朗 。My younger sister has a happy personality.你和你妹妹长得一模一样 。You and your younger sister look exactly alike.
3. “妹妹”用英文怎么说 “妹妹”用英文表示为:sister 。
“妹妹”用英文还可以表示为:1、Younger sister;2、Little sister 。“sister”读作:['s?st?] 。
当“sister”做名词时,解释为:姐妹、(称志同道合者)姐妹、修女、护士;当“sister”做形容词时,解释为:姐妹般的、同类型的 。扩展资料英语中如何表达亲属关系:直系血缘关系表达:1、father, mother(父&母);2、son, daughter(子&女);3、brother, sister(亲兄弟/姐妹,必须是同父同母);4、grandfather, grandmother(祖/外祖父&母);5、grandson, granddaughter(孙/外孙子&女);6、great-grandfather, great-grandmother(曾祖/外祖父&母);7、great-grandson, great-granddaughter(曾孙/外孙子&女) 。
【英文妹妹怎么写】非血缘关系表达:1、stepfather, stepmother(继父/母));2、stepson, stepdaughter(继子/女);3、stepbrother, stepsister(继兄弟/姐妹);4、adopted son, adopted daughter(收养子/女) 。亲缘关系表达:1、uncle(伯伯、叔叔、舅舅、姑父、姨父等);2、aunt(姑姑、姨妈、婶婶、舅妈等);3、nephew(侄子、外甥等);4、niece(侄女、外甥女等);5、cousin(堂/表兄弟姐妹,也就是uncle或aunt的孩子,不是亲的)32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333366303733 。