
1. 英语翻译诗总不离乎才也.有天才,有地才,有人才.吾于天才得李太白 诗歌总是离不开才华的.有天才,有地才,有人才.我看合乎天才的是李白,合乎地才的是杜甫,合乎人才的是王维.李白诗歌以气韵取胜,杜甫诗歌以格律取胜,王维诗歌以理趣取胜.李白的诗千古飘逸,杜甫的诗是一代的典范,王维精通佛学,诗歌都合乎佛意.现在有才气的人就推崇李白,喜欢格律的人就学习杜甫,至于王维却少有人去学习,因为现在世间没有学道的人了.综合三家的特长来作诗,差不多也就不愧于风雅之道了.还不够啊.学诗,却只是学习诗歌本身,就不算是诗了;学这三家的诗却只读他们的诗,就更不像诗了.诗,是人心灵的一种外化表现,追根溯源的话,什么不完全具备了呢?所以学诗写诗的话,但凡天地之间的一草一木、古今之人的一言一事,从《国风》、汉魏以来的一字一句,乃至儒家的“六经”佛家的“三藏”,都要融汇于心,然后才饱满充实地在笔端流淌出来.就着万物而写诗描绘表现它,遇到题目就自然写成诗歌,这样各达佳境、各尽其妙.像这样,那么诗的分量才足显,人的才能才齐备. 。
2. "天才"的英语单词是什么 talent
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1. 天才,天资[U][S1][(+for)]
He had a talent for music.
他有音乐天才 。
2. 天才们,有才能的人们[U][G];天才[C]
She is a new diving talent.
她是一个新的跳水天才 。
3. (演艺界)明星们,艺人们[U][G];明星,艺人[C]
There was a lack of local talent, so they hired an actor from London.
因为缺乏本地的明星,所以他们从伦敦雇来一位演员 。
4. 【英】【俚】美人,尤物[U][G]
5. 塔兰特(古希腊、罗马等的重量或货币单位)[C]
3. 怎样成为天才的英语作文怎么 As the saying goes,heaven has bestowed genius on us,he will aiso find its use some day 。
In my opinion,in this world,everyone is an independent individual 。So everyone has characteristics and advantages 。
I think that a person who is good at not only finding his own advantages and characteristics,but also using them must be successful or useful 。However,what conditions should a genius have?I will give you some advice next 。
First,a genius should have great ability 。So if you want to be a useful person,you should study hard and amass knowledge unceasingly 。
The reason is that knowledge can lay a solid basis for ability 。Second,I think that a useful person should be confident,magnanimous,optimistic and he must have patience 。
Of course,he always thinks about how to repay society and his family 。Third,only when a person made contributions to a domain or a trade could he be useful 。
So no matter what you do,you should contribute your share towards 。What is more,I believe that where there is a will,there is a way 。
And only if you don't give up will you be successful 。Finally,I hope that everyone can make himself useful for this world,especially the teenagers,because they are pillars of the state in the future 。
【天才英语怎么写】 Ok,that's all 。Now,I think that you have learnt how to be a genius,haven't you? 。