
1.青霉素:Benzylpenicillin 。
别名:青霉素G 。Penicillin G(属于β-内酰胺类)链霉素:Streptomycin 。
缩写SM(属于抗结核病药)庆大霉素:Gentamycin。缩写GM(属于氨基糖甙类)氯霉素:Chloramphenicol (属于氯霉素类)呋喃:Furan 缩写FF(属于呋喃类抗菌药)罗红霉素:Roxithromycin (Rulid) 缩写Rox(属于大环内酯类)复方新诺明:Compound Sulfamethoxazole, SMZ-TMP ,  缩写CO SMZ (属于磺胺类药物) 。
2. 翻译一下短信 谢谢 hi ,hi my darling, my dear, i miss you so much
i love you so much
i want to kiss you
i need you
aha, come on baby come on come on,i waitting for you
HI , 亲爱的 ,  我非常想你 , 
【抗的英文怎么写】我需要你 。
哈哈 , 快来 , 我等着你 。
有点肉麻 , 但敢肯定他一定是想你了 , 快去和他/她见面吧 。
祝福你们 !
3. 抗雪或抗震的英文作文 A difficult one, P Plus support. Disaster areas affecting people's safety at our hearts. For this reason, Sichuan to the National Network on-line media and all the netizens issued initiative: Let us join hands together to lend a helping hand to the people of disaster areas. We have an obligation to, the community has the responsibility to contribute to a force to the disaster area have given their people a love to our forces to join the team to earthquake relief in earthquake relief work for our contribution. 。