
1. 游记开头怎么写 英文的 森林公园游记
一进公园,就看见有一块石碑,上面写着:生态森林公园 。在石碑后面有一片草地,草地绿油油的,踩上去软绵绵的 。这里,有人在草地上野餐,有人在和朋友做游戏,有人则静静地躺在那儿闭目养神或欣赏着蓝天白云 。
Today, I and the daddy, mother go to Forest Park to play, where the scenery is beautiful! In the park, I saw a stone, writing above: ecological Forest Park. In the stone behind a piece of grass, grass green, step up soft. Here, a picnic on the grass, with people playing games with friends, someone is lying there quietly close your eyes or enjoying the blue sky white clouds.
2. 英语游记作文怎么写 Part(1) My cousin and I traveled across Canada by train from west to east. We saw many things on the way across. On the fourth day around noon, we arrived in Toronto.
第一段:简单介绍旅游报告的主题及你所去的地方 。Who, when where, how…
Part (2)
Located in the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario, Toronto is known as the biggest and most wealthy city of Canada. In the afternoon, we went up the CN Tower, which is the world's tallest building and one of the modern wonders of Canada. We also enjoyed the beautiful and charming Niagara Falls by the side of the Lake Ontario. And around dusk, we enjoyed good Cantonese food in the China Town.
第二段:按顺序列出所见所闻 。Facts and information about the city
Part (3)
The train left for Montreal late that night. But we were unwilling to leave Toronto, one of the most livable and fashionable cities in the world.
第三段:对旅游的总结,抒发感情 。
3. 求写游记的英语作文 50~60个单词 简单的 My Summer Trip I went to beijing to play during last summer holiday. I went to Beijing more than eight times. Beijing is the capital of China. It's a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing. It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to Beijing by plane. There are many tall buildings in Beijing. It's a modern city. My family visited the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Beihai Park, I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting. I went shopping in WangFuJing. I bought lots of souvenirs and other things. I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious. Don't miss the Beijing Duck. It is really nice. The trips helped me open my eyes. I enjoyed my day. 去年暑假我去北京游玩 。
我去过那里超过8次,北京是中国的首都62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333332636333 。他是个大城市 。
我非常熟悉北京 。从南通到北京坐飞机要花上1个小时四十分钟 。
北京有很多高的建筑物 。他是个摩登城市 。
【写游记的英文怎么写】我和家人一起参观了长城,故宫 。,北海公园 。
我还去了北京的乡村划船和钓鱼 。那十分有趣 。
我爱吃北京小吃,它们非常美味 。别忘了还有北京烤鸭 。
他真的很好吃 。这次旅行让我大开眼界 。
我玩得很开心、、帮你写了,翻译了,希望你满意 谢谢 要给我分喔 。
4. 用英语写一篇游记,50字 On the weekend, the sun was shining. My father and mother took me to climb Mountain Hua. I was so excited at the foot of the mountain firstly. However, gradually I was out of breath. I did not want to climb anymore. But my father said to me:"never give up, and you will gain through pain". I learned a lesson by this unforgettable experience. 。
5. 英文游记作文 Sunday,October 24th,2009 SunnyIt was a fine day today.All of my classmates and I paid a visit to the North Hot Spring Park which is five kilometers away from our school by bus for an hour at seven o'clock,starting from our school.When we got there,we bathed in hot spring and sang songs.At 1 p.m.,we had our lunch by eat the food we brough here.Then we went back home bu bus and the trip cost us 200Yuan in all.I was very happy today.希望能帮上你! 。