
1. 外贸中给老客户降价要怎么写邮件 你是因为什么原因降价就怎么写啊 。
比如,原材料下调 。
Dear Sir,
Glad to tell you a good news that we could reduce the price quoted XXX (报价日期) you because the raw material factory told us their cost descended 3% .
Hereby our company could give you the best special offer at XXX (价格) for our longterm business cooperation.
Thanks very much in advance and hope to get your order soon.
Best regards,
2. 如何有效的给客户发邮件 你好!如果是发送开发信,建议你使用企业抄邮箱,这样能减少被认为是垃圾邮件的几率 。
最好知道收件人的称呼问候做标题,实在没有就用客人的公司名字做称呼,单独一封的发,千万不要群发,也不要抄送或者暗送,这样起码能保证客人看到邮件会去打开看看. 内容方面尽量自己组织语言bai写一些公司的内容,简单即可,说明自己是做什么的,有什么产品就du行了,切记不要去复制自己公司现有的简介往上一粘,因为朴实的语言更能让人感觉真诚,所谓的垃圾邮件并不一定指里面是我们不zhi需要的东西,而大部分是因为里面的内容让人感觉太机械. 结尾不忘写上自己的联系方式,简单的祝福语句,也可以粘上公司主要产品或者公司标志的小图片,目的只是让客人留有印象.第一次写信尽量不要用附件,一个是怕病毒,二个是首次收信的人是没有那个耐性去打dao开附件的. 。
3. 新人接手老客户业务的外贸邮件怎么写啊,写一份模板来参考参考, 大致就是表达一下某某业务员因故离职,现在你接受工作,以后可以联系你,再推荐几款新产品什么的 。
This is ***from****co.ltd, linda's colleague .It's a pity thant linda left our company because of ***,I 'll take over all her work. I hope that we will have a good corperation in the future.
In the attachmentT,here are several pictures of new products,if you are interested in any of them,pls feel free to contact me.
Tks and best regards.
4. 求 :主动联络许久未联系的老客户英文邮件怎么写 This is Christina from xxxxx, checking through our record we note with regret that we have not had the pleasure of an order from you for quite a long time~ as my previous colleague xxxx is not available ,i'll taking her place to service you and in your assistance .i will keep working hard as always and more better !
We have a very strong Stock xxxxxxx. believe can fully satisfy your needs . as you 're our steady customer , i'll effort to give you the most competitive price and superior quality !!
Looking forward to receiving your early reaply,and we can assure you that your requirements will have our very best and prompt attention .
5. 给好久没有联系的客户的邮件要怎么写【给老客户写邮件怎么写】 Dearxxx,How are you? I wish you a happy, healthy year of 2011!Here enclosed I would like to recommend some NEW HOT ITEMS for your referrence. Quotation attached as well.Any further information you may need, pls contact me!(给客人介绍一些新样板之类的) 。