
1. 英语谢谢怎么写 Thanks a lot. Don't mention it.
谢谢 。不用谢 。
Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much.
谢谢,谢谢,非常感谢 。
Thanks a lot . -- do not mention it.
谢谢 。——不用谢 。
Thank you for your interest in this company, Mr. Huang.
黄先生,谢谢你对本公司感兴趣 。
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you. I understand and appreciate your kindness.
谢谢,我心领了,感谢您的周到服务 。
How very nice of you to say so!
谢谢 。
It's very good of you to say so.
谢谢 。
Thank you for introducing me to Mr. Piper. Thanks to him, the negotiations went smoothly.
谢谢你介绍派伯先生给我,也很感谢他,我们谈得很顺利 。
Thank you. We're very interested in some of your products. Here's an enquiry sheet we've drawn up.
谢谢 。我们对你们的一些产品很感兴趣,这是我们拟订的询价单
2. 英语中表示感谢怎么说 日常生活、bai工作中我们用英语说感谢的时候,除了Thank you.之外,经常会用到“四du”种道谢语 。
一般的说法: 1. Thanks. 谢谢 。2. I really appreciate it. 我很感谢 。
比较热zhi情的说法: 1. You're one in a million. 你真是大好人 。2. You're the greatest. 你最棒了 。
要归功于对方的时候: 1. Thanks to you (we made it on time.) 都要多谢你(我们才能准时完成dao) 。2. I couldn't have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到 。
比较正式的版说法: 1. I'm truly grateful for your help. 我非常感激你的帮助 。2. Your help was greatly appreciated. 你的帮助备受感激 。3. I'd like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我的权谢忱 。
3. 表达感谢的英语怎么说 表达感谢
expressing thanks; Express Thanks; expressing gratitude; Gratitude; express gratitude;
[例句]表达感谢和感激 。
Give thanks and appreciation.
①Many thanks for your kind and warm help.
②I am greatly indebted to you for your help.
③ Thank you for your generous hospitality.
④ It was really exciting to get your New Year's card!
⑤ I'm sincerely grateful for all your help in finding me a place.
⑥Your note of congratulations is deeply appreciated.
⑦Thank you for doing so much to make my trip interesting.
⑧Thank you for your kindness to have done me a favour.
4. 为 fourteen 还有什么不会写的就看下面的吧! 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a/one hundred 这里1-30是写好的 。
40以后你按照规则,在后面加1,2,3..,就是41,42,43.. 。
5. 英语谢谢你怎么写 1、谢谢的中文是:Thank you! 2、非常感谢:Thank you very much!或Thank you so much! 回答:You are welcome. 3、拓展:I'm sorry.(对不起) 回答:That's all right. 4、请注意all right和that's all right的区别 。
Can I do(something)? 回答用all right. I'm sorry. 回答用That's all right. 。
6. 请问英语非常感谢怎么写 IndonesiaI really appreciate itthank you比较一般化口语化,appreciate会带有比较重的情感 。
经常说我很感激你干嘛干嘛,怎么怎么帮忙啊,就可以用 I really appreciate that you。或者 your kindneis highly appreciated之类 。
Thank you very much/ Thank you so much!非常感谢 Thanks a lot/ a milliom 十分感谢 Many thanks很感谢 Too many thanks十分感谢 Thank you very much. Thanks a lot.Thanks a million.Many thanks.Thank you very much for watering the flowers 。. 。