
1. 顺利通过考试 用英语怎么说 sailed through examination顺利通过考试例:She sailed through her finals.她顺利通过期末考试Passed the Latin examination with flying colors.顺利通过了拉丁文考试The teachers are all happy that the trainees have checked out all right.实习生顺利地通过了考试,教师们都很高兴 。
To his own surprise, John simply waltzed through his driving test this time; it seemed very easy.使约翰自己感到吃惊的是,他这次很顺利地通过了驾驶执照考试;似乎太容易了 。Thora passed all her exams with flying colours.索洛顺利地通过了她所有的考试 。
She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, by contrast, had done very well.她差点考试没有通过,相反她姐姐却顺利通过 。Bill thought that he would fail his driving test as usual, but this time, to his surprise, he walked through it.比尔原以为他这次驾驶考试会像以往那样通不过,但令他惊奇的是,这次他竟顺利通过了 。
Waltzed through the exams.轻易通过考试Did you get through your examination?你通过考试了吗?Most students passed the examination.大多数学生通过了考试 。
2. “祝你顺利”用英语怎么说 祝你顺利的英文:一、wish you all the best ,best wishes to you英 [wi? ju: s?k?ses] 美 [w?? ju s?k?s?s] 1、You try, I wish you success! 您尝试,我祝你顺利!2、I wish you success in your work! 希望对你有所帮助,祝你顺利!3、You'll be sorely missed by everyone here, and we wish you success in your new job. 这儿每个人都会非常想念你的,我们祝你在新工作中获得成功 。
success英 [s?k?ses] 美 [s?k?s?s] n. 成功,成就;好成绩,好结果;成功的人(或物)复数: successes 记忆技巧:suc 下 + cess 行走,前进 → 成功,胜利success例句:3、It's important for the long-term success of any diet that you vary your meals. 如果想要成功做到长期节食,很重要的一点32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333431343034是要膳食多样化 。4、Nearly all of the young people interviewed believed that work was the key to success. 几乎所有被采访的年轻人都认为工作是成功的关键 。
5、Most of the cast was amazed by the play's success 大多数演员都为该剧大获成功而感到惊奇 。6、The jewellery was a great success 这些珠宝大获赞誉 。
扩展资料祝你顺利的其他英文表达:1、Good luck!2、Good luck to you! 3、I wish you all prosperity4、May good fortune be with you.luck英 [l?k] 美 [l?k] n. 运气;好运;机遇;命运vi. 交好运,走运;侥幸成功第三人称单数: lucks 现在分词: lucking 过去式: lucked 。
3. 愿明天一切顺利平安的英语怎么写 愿明天一切顺利平安 。
英语是:May everything go well tomorrow.
may 英[me?] 美[me]
aux. 可以; 会; 也许; 但愿;
n. [May] 五月; 山楂属植物; (五朔节装饰用的) 绿枝花枝; (春天开花的) 绣线菊属植物;
[例句]We may have some rain today
今天可能会下点雨 。
everything 英[?evriθ??] 美[??vri?θ??]
pron. 每件事物; 最重要的东西; (有关的) 一切; 万事;
[例句]He'd gone to Seattle long after everything else in his life had changed
【顺利英语怎么写】他生活中的其他一切都改变了,很久之后他去了西雅图 。
tomorrow 英[t??m?r??] 美[t??mɑ:ro?]
adv. 在明天,在明日;
n. 明天; 最近,不远的将来;
[例句]Bye, see you tomorrow
再见,明天见 。