
1. 尴尬用英语怎么说 “尴尬”用英语说法:embarrassed 读法:英 [?m'b?r?st] 美 [?m'b?r?st] 释义: 1、adj. 尴尬的;窘迫的 2、v. 使 。
困窘;使 。局促不安(embarrass的过去分词形式) feel embarrassed感到尴尬 Deeply embarrassed陷入很深困惑 being embarrassed局促不安 例句: 1、What I discovered both surprised and embarrassed me. 我的发现使我既惊讶又尴尬 。
2、She looked, as had Heather, embarrassed, as in, What was up with that just now? 她看起来有点尴尬,跟茜丝上次一样,好像在说,32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333431343064刚才这是怎么了? 扩展资料 embarrassed的近义词:abashed 读法:英 [?'b??t] 美 [?'b??t] 释义:adj. 不安的;窘迫的;尴尬的 短语: 1、stand abashed感到羞愧 2、abashed chaotic神魂颠倒 3、be abashed感到羞愧 4、ashamed abashed羞惭 例句: In his Brooklyn office, he interviews a rather abashed and puzzled Robinson, who was playing in the Negro Leagues at the time. 在他位于布鲁克林的办公室里,他采访了当时正在黑人联盟打球的罗宾逊,他感到有些窘迫和困惑 。
2. 不会说英语的尴尬的英文怎么翻译 the embarrassment of inability to speak English.
of后加名词就变成形容词的意思了 。inability的形容词是unable,inability是名词,意思是无能 。of inablity就变成形容词,意思是无能的 。
整句话的意思是:不会说英语的尴尬 。
Many people always face the the embarrassed situation of inability to speak english 。人们常常面临不懂讲英语的窘境 。
of inability to do = unable to do
3. “令人尴尬的”用英语怎么说 英语是:Embarrassing 。
embarrassing 英[?m?b?r?s??] 美[?m?b?r?s??]
adj. 使人尴尬的,令人为难的;
v. (使) 窘迫,(使)局促不安( embarrass的现在分词);
[例句]That was an embarrassing situation for me
那种情形让我难堪 。
He has put the Bonn government in an embarrassing position
他将波恩政府置于窘地 。
Men find it embarrassing to be honest.
实话实说让男人觉得难为情 。
The speech was deeply embarrassing to Cabinet ministers.
这席话让内阁大臣们非常难堪 。
It was an embarrassing situation, but they carried it off well.
这是一个尴尬的局面,但是他们成功地应付过去了 。
4. 尴尬英语怎么说形容词 awkward; embarrassed(embarrassment)
这使他们处境很尴尬 。
This put them in a very awkward posit.
这是一个尴尬的局面,但是他们成功地应付过去了 。
It was an embarrassing situation, but they carried it off well.
他总是小心谨慎地避免尴尬 。
【尴尬英语怎么写】He was always careful to avoid embarrassment.