
1. 关于午睡的英语作文 We should have a good nap habit. We can start at 13 o'clock to sleep. We sleep in general continued to 50 minutes. Through the nap, we can get a better mental state and we have the energy to the afternoon program. Napping beneficial to our health and it enables us to keep a sober mind. Suggest that you maintain the good habit of napping.
【午睡怎么写英语】我们应该有午睡的好习惯 。我们可以在下午一点开始睡觉 。我们睡一般持续五十分钟 。通过午睡,我们可以获得更好的精神状态,我们就有精力去下午的课程 。午睡有利于我们的身体健康,它使我们保持一个清醒的大脑 。建议大家保持午睡的好习惯 。
2. 关于午睡的英语作文 Many people have developed a habit of sleeping morning and afternoon. That is snap. I am used to having a snap from one pm. On average I have 50-minute-sleep. What's more, I usually snap in my dormitory with my room-mates. It's so interesting to hear their sound of snoring if I sleep later than them. We all believe that snap is good for our health as well as for our study. Because we can regain our energy after a snap. So I propose that all the students have a snap. 。
3. (听你的话,中午休息)英文怎么写 听某人的话,口语里面应该是listen to sb.这个短语,比follow啊hear什么的要更纯更地道;中午休息也有很多种表达,比如:
noon break; midday rest; noontime rest; take a nap after lunch
都可以表达午休 。另外还有一个比较正式的词是siesta,午休,午睡 。
这句话应该是很口语化的,所以应该翻译成I will listen to you to take a nap.
4. 写一篇对午睡的好处的看法的英语作文 Many people are tired after lunch trouble. British scholars to study this phenomenon and found that a daily 10-minute afternoon nap can eliminate sleepy, the effect of more than two hours of nocturnal sleep much better. According to recently published by the German "Bild am Sonntag" reported that a growing number of office workers in Germany have a lunch break in the office habits. Nap can not only improve work efficiency as well as preventing coronary heart disease. According to physician observations, nap for 30 minutes a day, make the body more balanced hormone secretion, so that the incidence of coronary heart disease by 30%. The researchers believe that the Mediterranean countries with a lower incidence of coronary heart disease is inseparable from the customary afternoon nap. And northern Europe, North America, a high incidence of coronary heart disease, its one of the reasons is the lack of nap. Adults sleep less than four hours, their mortality rate than 7-8 hours sleep every night of a man's height 180%. This is a reminder that the lack of sleep at night if they can take a nap in the appropriate supplement will also be beneficial to longevity. Do they need a nap and the individual's own physical condition, sleep state, age and disease conditions are closely linked. Those who alter-ego, lack of sleep people and frail people are in the nap; pairs of primary and secondary students and those engaged in mental work, the nap is more worth advocating. The poor quality of sleep of the elderly through the nap to the brain is also truly rest. 许多人都有午餐后疲倦的烦恼 。
英国学者就这一现象进行研究,发现每日午后小睡10分钟就可以消除困乏,其效果比夜间多睡两个小时好得多 。据日前出版的德国《星期日图片报》报道,在德国越来越多的上班族有了午间在办公室休息的习惯 。
午睡不仅能提高工作效率还能预防冠心病 。据医学家研究观察,每天午睡30分钟,可使体内激素分泌更趋平衡,使冠心病发病率减少30% 。
研究者认为,地中海各国冠心病发病率较低与午睡习惯是分不开的 。而北欧、北美国家冠心病发病率高,其原因之一就是缺乏午睡 。
成人睡眠不足4小时者,其死亡率比每晚睡7至8小时的人高180% 。这就提示人们,晚间睡眠不足,如能在午睡中适当补充,也将有益于延年益寿 。