
1. 如何用英语写个人简历 Name: xx Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1975.4 health status: good
Work experience
Chongqing Kangda 1998.2-2009.1 joint paint branch
Terms of reference: engaged in water-based, oil and the development of UV coatings, often participate in market research to understand customer needs, and technical services to customers to help users solve the use of some of the problems and improve production processes and improve productivity. After participating in the sale is to enable users to correctly understand and use company products, develop new customers and improve after-sales service of new and old customers work.
1993.9-1997.7 Beijing Institute of Technology School of Chemical Engineering and Materials Undergraduate Polymer Materials
I am the law, to comply with corporate rules and regulations of the Bank, a strong sense of responsibility, trustworthiness and reliability, proactive work, practical work hard, have strong communication skills and team spirit. At work I have accumulated a certain amount of marketing and after-sales service experience, familiar with computer operation, familiar with office software, such as day-to-day office, I work for the future with confidence.
【怎么用英文写简历】Thank you for taking the time to read my material, such as honor to be an employee of your company, I will fully explore their abilities, solidarity and cooperation with colleagues for the company to create greater economic benefits.
2. 个人简历用英语怎么写 你好,我是英语教师,希望能帮助你!CVs(个人简历)
Personal Data(个人资料):
Date of birth(出生年月)
Home address(家庭住址)
Political landscape(政治面貌)
Marital status(婚姻状况)
Physical condition(身体状况)
Academic content(学业有关内容):
Their schools(就读学校)
By specialties(学位)
Foreign languages(外语)
computer master degree(及计算机掌握程度)
I experienced(本人经历):
Received honorary(所获荣誉):
I Features(本人特长):
PS:个人简历应该浓缩大学生活或研究生生活的精华部分,要写得简洁精练,切忌拖泥带水 。个人简历后面,可以附上个人获奖证明,如三好学生、优秀学生干部证书的复印件,外语四、六级证书的复印件以及驾驶执照的复印件,这些复印件能够给用人单位留下深刻的印象 。祝你成功!
3. 个人简历的英语写法与格式 NAMEADDRESSTELE-MAIL(直接填写,不需要开头的提示,居中)EDUCATION EXPERIENCE1993—1999 SCHOOL NAME CITY,provinceYour awards1999—2002 SCHOOL NAME CITY,provinceYour awards……WORK EXPERIENCE2005—2006 name of company city ,province ,your job,2005—2007 ……DESCRIPTION描述你的工作经历(做什么工作,什么职位,业绩如何……)这是外教课考试时外教给的格式,英文的求职简历的格式很多,你可以用google in English的搜索引擎,输入CV或者是resume 就可以找到很多example,都可以使用.简历尽量简洁,描述时可以稍微详细一些. 。
4. 英文简历CoverLetter如何写 要避免把你的首页做成流传的最普通的那种样式. When writing your cover letter, keep in mind that the reviewer is only interested in one thing: the facts. Do not think of your cover letter as an autobiography; it should be brief and to the point. The purpose of the cover letter (and resume) should be one thing - it should demonstrate that you meet or exceed the requirements listed in the job description. It should demonstrate that you're interested in the position, and that you're available to accept the position if offered. Additional information beyond this can be counterproductive, as it dilutes the core purpose of the cover letter. 在写简历首页的时候,一定要铭记在心,读简历的人只注重一件事:事实.不要把简历首页认为是自传书,它应该是简明扼要的.简历首页(和简历)的目的是一样的--证明你能适应或者胜任工作描述中的要求.还应该表明你对这个职位很感兴趣,并且你随时都能上任.超过这个范围的附加信息只能让人产生反感,而且它削弱了首页的核心目的. When writing the cover letter, avoid negatives. A cover letter is not the place to explain why you left or are leaving an employer, why there are gaps in your employment dates, etc. These negatives are best delivered in person during the interview so that your personality can counter them. Try to avoid a salary history in the cover letter. Even if the position specifically asks for your salary history, providing this information will more likely cost you a job than not. If the job ad specifically says that resumes without a salary history will not be considered, give a historical salary range, and state that your salary requirements are flexible based on the opportunity the position will provide. 首页要尽量避免以往薪金标准的问题.即使这个职位特别要求你注明以往的薪金数额,提供相应的信息可能更容易让你失去这份工作.如果这个工作广告特别说别不注明以往薪金就不予考虑那么就给出一个范围,并且注明你的薪金要求很灵活,以所提供的职位机会决定. 花时间来考虑一下简历的版面,确信它看上去比较顺眼.它应该看上去很容易浏览,有一个合理的主次关系.记住:看简历的人有上百份简历要看,所以一定要把你想要突出的内容做的让他一眼就注意到.段落要简短,长篇的内容让浏览者失去看的耐心,因为他们一周要看上百份简历.另外,版面不要仅仅是重复简历的内容.你的首页不仅仅是简历的摘要,相反,它是你的自我介绍,以及一份说明你是他们公司这个职位最佳人选的论证. 。