
1. 擅长英语的.作文好的作为一名90后中学生,结合下面提示词写扁八十 As we know,most of us are the only child in our familys now.But we are growing up now,we should study something which we should do on our own because our familys can't accompany us all the time.So we must learn how to solve problem independent.And sometime we are selfish,we don't think others feeling.Usually,we spend too much on the internet which make us can't get alone with our friends in reality life.Sometimes,we are careless,we should pay attention to the high ideals,we should solve problems in our style,We should be creative,friendly,kind,polite,helpfui and outgoing.We should study more as we are growing up.We are growing up,we are sure to do better. 。
2. 带有扁字的成语 轮扁斫轮 [lún biǎn zhuó lún]
轮扁:春秋时齐国有名的的造车工人;斫轮:用刀斧砍木制造车轮 。指精湛的技艺 。
出 处
《庄子·天道》:“桓公读书于堂上,轮扁斫轮于堂下 。”
例 句
丹青妙处不可传,~如此用 。
yí yè piān zhōu
解释:扁舟:小船 。像一片小树叶那样的小船 。形容物体小而轻 。
出处:唐·黄光溥《题黄居寀秋山图》:“暮烟幂幂锁村坞,一叶扁舟横野渡 。”宋·苏轼《前赤壁赋》:“驾一叶之扁舟,举匏樽以相属 。” 《只有一个地球》:“在群星璀璨的宇宙中,就像一叶扁舟 。”沙白《秋》“如一叶扁舟,上面坐着秋天”
示例:~,浮家来向江边住 。这回归去,作个渔樵侣 。