
1. “鞋子”的英文怎么写. shoe 读音:e68a84e8a2ad3231313335323631343130323136353331333366306565英 [?u:] 美 [?u] n.鞋;蹄铁;(汽车轮的)制动器,煞车;外胎 vt.为…钉蹄铁;给…穿上鞋;装防护物 例句: 1、The shoe fits badly and has rubbed the skin. 这鞋不合脚,把皮都磨掉了 。2、Low-heeled comfortable shoes are best 舒服的低跟鞋子最好了 。3、The shoes go on the shoe shelf 鞋子放在鞋架上 。? 扩展资料: 第三人称单数: shoes 复数: shoes 现在分词: shoing 过去式: shod shoed 过去分词: shod shoed 词组: n. be in sb's shoes 处于某人的境地;设身处地 if I were in your shoes (引出建议)要是我处在你的境地,换了我是你的话 fill sb's shoes/boots 妥善代职 step into sb's shoes 接替某人的工作 shake in your shoes (informal) 非常害怕(或紧张);战战兢兢;心惊肉跳
2. 穿拖鞋用英文怎么表达 wear slippers
slipper ['slip?]
n. 拖鞋
vt. 用拖鞋打
slipper sock: 鞋袜
Footman:All the ladies in the kingdom must try the slipper.
男仆:王国里所有的小姐都必须试穿这只鞋 。
Princess Ann: At midnight, I'll turn into a pumpkin and drive away in my glass slipper.
安娜公主:在午夜,我会变出一个南瓜并且穿着我的水晶鞋乘车离开 。
Textile raw material &products: slipper, apparel, bedding sets, wool, cashmere, rabbit hair cloth and linen, cotton.
纺织产品及原料:拖鞋,服装,床上用品,羊毛、羊绒,兔毛、亚麻、棉、毛、纱类等 。
3. 鞋子英文怎么写 shoes 复数,鞋子种类(shoes variety) Athletic shoes /Sports shoes运动鞋 Casual shoes便鞋 Hiking shoes/Travelling shoes旅游鞋 Slipper拖鞋 Sandals凉鞋 Boots马靴 Work boots工作鞋 Axido沙滩鞋 Canvas帆布鞋 Sport boots运动鞋 Pumps高跟鞋 Climbing shoes登山鞋 Football shoes足球鞋 Jogging shoes慢跑鞋 Basketball shoes篮球鞋 Canvas帆布鞋 Casualshoes便鞋 Pumps高跟鞋 Leisure休闲鞋 Tennis shoes网球鞋 Baseball shoes棒球鞋 Aerobic shoes舞蹈鞋 。